Ch. 22 Distraction...

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A short while later, you awake still clutched tightly against Tsukki's body, his arm wrapped around your waist. Shockingly he still hasn't slipped from inside you. You attempt to shift groaning as you feel him tighten his hold on you.

"Kei.... Kei... I need to get up." You grab his arm giving it a shake in attempt to wake him. He makes a grumbling noise but remains unmoved.

'Is he seriously sleeping this heavily or is he just messing with me..'

"Keeeeeiii..." you reach behind you grabbing his side and shaking him a little harder this time. "Come on Kei wakey wakey... I need to pee and if you don't release me my next measure is to smack your ass like a volleyball..."

"Okay, alright, I'm awake," he groans. He nuzzles his face into you, biting into the crease of your neck and shoulder. "Now why am I awake, Pipsqueak? I was very comfortable you know."

You huff, "I was comfortable too until my bladder started screaming at me. As much as I was enjoying this nap, I really need to get up and go pee."

"Ooookay" he sighs out begrudgingly "Say no more. I suppose I should probably clean this up too anyway." He gestures to where you two are still connected. Unwrapping his arm from your waist he reaches between your bodies holding down the edges of the condom; pulling free from your warmth. You both groan at the sensation but you carefully sit up, getting your feet underneath you. The ache from being so thoroughly pleasured pulses from between your thighs. Unsteady legs manage to carry you to the rest room where you can finally relieve yourself.

On the couch, Tsukki lays there watching your retreating form. For a few moments he's lost in thought before attending to the condom. He makes his way over to the kitchen to throw the spent condom into the trash. He walks over to the table and grabs his underwear and shorts from where they fell from his legs while he was fucking you. He slips both his boxers and shorts back on. Once partially dressed he makes his way to your fridge, opening it to look for something to drink. He spies some bottles of water, pulling a couple from the shelf he twists one open downing it quickly; crushing the bottle in his hand as it empties.

As you walk back into the room you can't help but stare at his shirtless body as he downs the bottle. A small droplet leaks from the side of his mouth traveling down his throat. You can't help but lick your lips at the imagery.

'Would that I could be that droplet of water... just... damn...'

He glances over as he finishes, noticing you staring

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He glances over as he finishes, noticing you staring. He smirks "Enjoying the view there Pipsqueak?"

You break off your staring which only manages to make Tsukki chuckle. Honestly he can't help but stare at you either, the glow of your orgasms still present on your naked body.

You glance around looking for your clothing that Tsukki carelessly tossed from your body. Before you can manage to re-dress yourself, Tsukki steps up behind you wrapping his arms around you kissing against your neck. "Dammit, the things this body does to me, Shortstuff. You have no idea how tempting you are, do you?"

Passion of a Cold Heart (Tsukishima x female reader)Where stories live. Discover now