Ch. 25 Strategies...

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In no time at all the try-outs started to wind down and for the first time you've seen ever, it looks like Bokuto and Hinata have managed to wear themselves out. Their energy seems to play off each other; so even once tryouts were practically finished, they kept at practicing spikes and serves with the boundless amount of stamina they both clearly had. A couple of the other players from the jackals are near by, one seems to be napping on some of the luxury seating courtside while the blond one just stares.

 A couple of the other players from the jackals are near by, one seems to be napping on some of the luxury seating courtside while the blond one just stares

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Kuroo escorts you down and across the courts. You overhear the blond one ask. "Are you guys seriously just gonna nap like that... right now? Sakusa, what did you even do to be nap tired?" The one in the mask just lifts his arm and flips off the blond.

"Whaaat Atsumu, it's actually really comfy..." Bokuto stretches his legs in the air. As he opens his eyes, he sees you and Kuroo approaching. "HEY Y/N!!!!"

"Hi Bo." You say laughing.

Bokuto does this semi-roll/flip off the seating as he approaches you. "You wanna meet some of the team before I take you over to meet Akemi."

"Sure, I'd love to."

"Okay so the blond one over there complaining is Miya."

"HEY!" Miya groans out, rolling his eyes at Bokuto's introduction. "Please call me Atsumu" he says with a smirk clearly turning on the charm. "And what may your name be lovely lady?"

"Oh uh my name is L/N. L/N F/N"

"Ohh what a lovely name, may I call you F/N?"

Kuroo interjects. "Cool it Miya, she's taken."

"Yeah? By who? You perhaps?" Atsumu inquires.

"Nope, but I promise you don't want to piss him off." Kuroo leans over to you, "Don't mind Miya, he's an incessant flirt."

You laugh muttering something about the pot calling the kettle black. As Bokuto points out another one of the players. This time the one laying down with a sleep mask on.

"And this one over here is Sakusa."

"Hey Omi!!!" Atsumu yells causing an annoyed groan to come out of the sleeping player.

"What do you want Atsumu?" Sakusa mumbles out refusing to budge.

"Don't just sleep, you should say Hi!" Atsumu grumbles.

"It's okay, really, he can sleep." You are quick to say, not wanting to be rude to the resting player. At your voice Sakusa tilts his mask up, meeting your eyes.

"Hi, you can call me Kioomi." Sakusa quietly states.

"Oh uh Hi Kioomi, sorry for disturbing your rest. I'm friends with Bokuto and Kuroo, my names L/N F/N."

"It's fine, Atsumu would have found one reason or another to wake me up. Nice to meet you. Are you the one Bokuto was talking about? The one wanting to meet Akemi?"

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