Ch. 4 Nosey Friends...

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The next morning Tsukki wakes up to his roommates making all sorts of racket in the house and what sounds like a ball bouncing off the wall attached to his room. Tsukki rolls out of bed annoyed.

"Do you idiots have any idea what time it is?"

"Yep, it's time for you to get your ass out of bed and come play with us at the gym." Kuroo laughs with a big grin. "Told you it would work Bo."

"You're a genius Kuroo. Come on Tsukki-poo you know you wanna. Akaashi's meeting us there so we can have a 2 on 2." Bokuto is an endless fountain of energy even this early in the morning. Just watching him is exhausting.

Tsukki groans and goes to head back to his room to go back to sleep only to be stopped by Kuroo

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Tsukki groans and goes to head back to his room to go back to sleep only to be stopped by Kuroo. "Oh no you don't, this was not an optional request. Go get changed or I'm coming in with a bucket of ice water."

"Fine, fine, fine but at least let me get some breakfast first." Tsukki groans once again knowing resistance is futile at this point. "You guys are gonna be the death of me."


Arriving at the gym, Tsukki, Akaashi, Kuroo and Bokuto get set up.

While doing some basic stretching before playing Kuroo inquires "So Tsukki, anything new?"

"Uh, no why?"

"I don't know, you just seem different the last few weeks. That perpetual rain cloud that hovers over you seems to have shrunk significantly."

"Pff, you're imagining things" Tsukki tries to brush him off.

"Hmm, maybe but even Bo's noticed it, so it can't be nothing," Kuroo pushes a little more trying to solve the puzzle.

"Stop trying to see shit that isn't there, let's just play." Tsukki shuts his questions down once more.


"Hey hey hey, I am still the greatest!" Bokuto does a victory dance around the court

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"Hey hey hey, I am still the greatest!" Bokuto does a victory dance around the court.

Akaashi rolls his eyes at the overly exuberant spiker, "Bokuto, you failed almost as many spikes and you landed.

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