Ch. 14 Claiming...

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Laying in Tsukki's bed is so comfy especially after that mind melting wake up call. You find yourself just watching him move around his room, watching the way his body moves.

"You gonna get up, or do I have to tickle you again?" Tsukki looks over at you staring.

You grab a pillow and toss it at him "It's your fault! Put a shirt on and stop being so distracting!" Attempting to deflect his focus on having been caught ogling him.

Tsukki catches the pillow easily laughing at how adorably awkward you can be. He watches you slide your legs out from under the sheets while you stretch. Your shirt bunching up so he can see the curve of your ass as you begin to roll in order to get out of his bed. Tsukki gives his head a little shake to lift the lusty fog that's threatening to take over his brain again.

'She's gonna be the death of me. I just fucked her and already I want to pounce on her again'

"I doubt the guys are awake yet so the shower should be free. Towels are in the cabinet in the bathroom. Whatever's in there feel free to use, I highly doubt any of us will miss it." Tsukki says as you grab the underwear he gave you back last night, your shorts and the hairbrush and travel deodorant you always keep in your backpack.

You walk over to him placing a hand on his shoulder to pull him down slightly placing a quick kiss on his cheek. "Thank you Kei"

"Uh um yeah, no problem. I mean, uh you're welcome." Tsukki stumbles out having been taken off guard. You smile at him as you scurry out the door to the bathroom.


'Oh my god, so it IS possible to fluster him! Hahaha. File that away in my mental notes.'

Once you get to the bathroom you close and lock the door. No need to have anyone barging in while you're getting your shower on. You briefly investigate, checking to see what the boys have that will work for you to wash up with.

You start the shower letting it warm up while you run your hair brush through your hair to remove any loose hair. Thankfully, one of the guys bothers to use conditioner, so washing your hair will be no problem. You just have to tolerate smelling like a dude today. "Oh well" you say to yourself shrugging. Better to smell like a dude than all sweaty. You hop into the shower and start cleaning up.

 You hop into the shower and start cleaning up

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After you left his bedroom Tsukki took a moment to throw a shirt on before heading downstairs to get some breakfast started and some coffee.

After starting the coffee first, he began pulling stuff out of the refrigerator to make breakfast. Settling on eggs, fruit and toast.

"Hmmm... Morning Tsukki" Kuroo mumbles out yawning, as Tsukki lifts his head from behind the refrigerator door. "Wasn't expecting to see you down here, I thought you were in the shower."

Passion of a Cold Heart (Tsukishima x female reader)Where stories live. Discover now