Ch. 26 Brotherly advice...

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A/N: A lot of the art for this chapter is done by @yoshoeshoo on Twitter. I fell in love with her Tsukki work.


(Earlier that day with Tsukki)

"I'm just teasing, Shortstuff, but I gotta go or I'm gonna miss my train and you need to finish getting ready before those two spaz attacks get there."

"Okay, have fun. See ya when you get back."


Tsukki taps the red button disconnecting the call then shoves his phone in his pocket. He does a quick mental check of everything he wanted to bring with him before grabbing his backpack and tossing it over his shoulder. Only going for a couple days so the things he needs are minimal.

Receiving a pinging notification on his phone alerts him that his ride to the train station has arrived. He quickly heads downstairs, giving a yell goodbye before he heads out the door.

The drive to the station is a short one, thankfully. Checking into the station, he gets settled into his seat sliding his headphones on for the long ride to Sendai. Tapping on Spotify he selects a currently recommended playlist, Blackbear Radio. As the songs shuffle during the long ride his thoughts keep drifting to you, trying to process how he feels about everything between the two of you.


*Around 5 hours later*

Arriving back at his childhood home Tsukki announces his arrival. "Mom! I'm home."

"Oh! Kei!!! I'm in the kitchen honey." Mrs. Tsukishima calls out excitedly.

Tsukki removes his shoes making his way to the kitchen to greet his mother with a genuine smile and a hug. His mother pulls back placing a hand on his cheek. "Oh Kei it's so good to see you home again."

"Good to see you too, Mom

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"Good to see you too, Mom. Is Akiteru home yet?" Tsukki asks.

"Yep, he got home about an hour ago. He's up in his room. Dinner will be ready in about an hour." Mrs. Tsukishima says.

"Thanks mom, I'll be back. There's something I want to talk with Akiteru about." Tsukki gives his mom another big hug before he heads upstairs to his room, dropping off his backpack then making his way over to his brother's room.

Coming upon Akiteru's room Tsukki hesitates for a moment nerves on edge. On the rare occasion he's gone to his brother for advice it's always helped but this was different. Finally he closes his eyes and knocks against the door to get his brother's attention

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