Ch. 11 Jealous...

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"Let's get started shall we?"

You almost roll your eyes and his clear attempt to fluster you further. You close your eyes and take a deep breath and meet his eyes.
"Must you, really? If your only gonna mess with me I'll just go back home and study."

"Oh relax Pipsqueak, I offered to help and I will. Geez, you make me sound like some kind of villain out to steal your virtue. Although... I'm pretty sure we're well past that. Aren't we?" Tsukki walks around to the opposite side of the coffee table your sitting at, reaching across the table to the notebook you have flipped open.

"So, this it?"

"Yeah" you answer while allowing him to slide it across the table to skim over it and see what it is you're getting stuck on. You finish grabbing what you need out of your bag while he reads, occasionally sneaking glances to admire his profile.

"Who's your teacher?" Tsukki startled you by asking.

"Huh? Oh Uh Ishita... Why?"

"Well that makes more sense why you're stuck then. Cause I can tell your not an idiot like Hinata or Kageyama."

"Um, thanks I guess?" You say puzzled by the oddly worded compliment, at least you hope that's what it was.

"Personally, I've heard from a few people in the past that how he explains things is half assed and majority of the time, unless you're a natural math wiz, you end up having to teach yourself."

"Well I mean he's always been a really boring teacher but up until now I've been doing okay. It only just now started getting confusing. I feel like I'm missing something. Like the more steps that get added, the more I feel like something's getting left out."

"Which, honestly, you're probably right on the money with that one." Tsukki turns your notebook towards you and shows you what steps you're missing that started causing all the confusion. Showing you also a more straightforward approach to completing the problems.


You flop flat on your back onto the floor tossing your arm across your eyes in irritation after only an hour.

"Seriously? Why the hell didn't he show us this method in class? This is sooooo annoying! God I hate math!"

Tsukki chuckles at your dramatics, while you whine. "It's not funny Tsukki! I spent all day yesterday trying to figure this shit out. It's been barely an hour of you helping me! Why the hell didn't I just ask you yesterday to help me..." you grumble out that last bit, mentally kicking yourself for being so awkward yesterday when Hitoka told you about it.

"What's that now? I didn't quite catch that last bit?"

You repeated yourself a bit clearer but kept the volume really low hoping he would drop it.

"One more time, a little louder down there Pipsqueak." You can hear the smile in his voice. It's clear he's teasing you, he probably heard you the first time. You roll your eyes and sit up finally repeating yourself one last time.

"Full disclosure, I knew you needed help before the topic came up at practice. Tadashi called me asking if you contacted me. When I asked why he explained. I was kinda curious how long it would take you to ask me. Then I over heard what you said to Tanaka."

"About me asking my teacher for help with a tutor?"

"Yeah, I figured you would have better luck if I just offered. Didn't realize you had a stubborn streak there shortcake. Do you really hate me that much?" Tsukki fake pouts at you.

 Do you really hate me that much?" Tsukki fake pouts at you

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Passion of a Cold Heart (Tsukishima x female reader)Where stories live. Discover now