Ch. 34 Catalyst...

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"Wait wait wait! You what?!?!?" Hitoka exclaimed

You feel your face blush furiously, you had been rambling over all the developments of yours and Tsukki's situation currently. Both Hitoka and Kiyoko had pestered you again and once the gates opened you couldn't stop the flow of details. "Umm... what particular fact do you need clarification on exactly???"

"Don't try to be slick y/n you know exactly what I'm talking about! When did you and Tsukki start having unprotected sex?" Hitoka grills you.

"Oh that..."

"Yeah... that" Hitoka laughs

"Wellllll you know how we did that whole body study session thing?" You start "so ummm things got pretty hot and heavy while we were ummm..." your voice cracks "studying..."

Kiyoko and Hitoka can't help but laugh at the thought of studying getting hot and heavy. You might have even heard one of them mutter 'studying my ass' under their breath.

"Studying??? Is that what they're calling it these days?" Kiyoko snickers.

"You know I resent that statement I learned quite a bit actually. He even quizzed me after." you reasoned.

"Is that so?" Kiyoko teased.

"Mmhmm... After hours of teasing each other through the entire process, he tied me up, blindfolded me, and quizzed me. He may or may not have been attempting to distract me the entire time by teasing every inch of my body in some way shape or form but I still managed to get majority of the questions right. My reward was that he finally let me come after all the torture and he made me cum so hard a squirted."

"Waaait, hold on a second... that's a real thing?" Kiyoko asks blushing.

"Oh it's definitely a thing cause I did it. I didn't even think I could... So after that, he left me to calm down and went to shower. I followed him in after and one thing led to another... we didn't have any condoms in the shower so I told him to just do it, that I trusted him and that I hadn't been with anyone except him." You explain trailing off at the end. The implications of that statement hanging in the air.

Kiyoko and Hitoka exchange knowing glances at eachother. "Y/n, you're in love Tsukki aren't you?" Kiyoko questions softly.

"I..." your voice catching in your throat. Sure you've thought it plenty of times but saying it out loud, you understood now what Kiyoko meant a while back when she said she didn't want to ruin things. "I think... I think I do..." you say in a meek voice. "What do I do? He said he doesn't do relationships, so how do I tell him I'm in love with him without ruining everything?"

"Well if you ask me..." Hitoka starts off as she munches on a french fry. "You guys pretty much are in a relationship, at least that's the way it looks. You guys are only sleeping with each other, you've gone on dates together, he sleeps over at your house, you've slept over at his, he's protective of you, and honestly me and Kiyoko have both seen how he normally is with chicks and it's not at all how he is with you. Tsukki's pretty much always stuck to one night stands and you my dear, have become his one and only."

At her words you feel the butterflies that have taken up residence in your tummy, flutter about. "You guys say that and all but what if I say something and I'm wrong?" You pause for a moment honestly thinking it over in your head. "No... I need to find out now. At this point, there's no going back to the way things were. To before I started having genuine feelings for him. It's better to find out now then to wait, cause if this is all wrong and he doesn't feel like that towards me I think I would prefer to end things now before I get anymore attached to him than I already am. It's already going to hurt enough if I have to end it."

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