Ch. 30 Nagashima Spa-Land...

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"Hey, y/n wake up... we're here..."

You slowly pull your head up finding that you nodded off on the 2 hour drive from Osaka to Kuwana City. Looking around you can see the roller coasters of Nagashima Spa-land in the distance.

 Looking around you can see the roller coasters of Nagashima Spa-land in the distance

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Eyes wide you look back and forth between the coasters and Tsukki. "Holy shit! That's HUGE!"

The guys all snicker but Bokuto capitalizes "that's what she said..."

You can't help but laugh. "Why do I feel like I'm gonna be at the end of a lot of those jokes today?"

"Probably because you are gonna be riding many different rides today and you are with a group of guys that can't help but crack jokes." Kuroo reasons with a chuckle.

Leaning down to whisper in your ear. "Not getting nervous are you, Pipsqueak?"

"Nooo" you try to sound believable but fail. You don't necessarily have a fear of heights but having never been so high in the air before and those huge drops look terrifying.

Tsukki gives your body a squeeze with the arm that's wrapped around you. "You'll be fine. Rollercoasters are rigorously tested and safe. Believe it or not they're actually pretty fun."

You snap your head to Tsukki, eyeing him carefully. "Fun??? Okay... where's Tsukki and what did you do with him, you imposter!"

Bokuto and Kuroo laugh hardily. Tsukki glares at you pinching your butt. "You think you're so funny. I'd threaten not to ride with you but then these two knuckleheads would step up..."

Kuroo and Bokuto hoot and holler "Damn Straight!"

Tsukki whispers against your neck so only you can hear. "Guess I'll have to find other ways of punishing you. We are getting a hotel room tonight after all..."

Feeling the blush rise up your neck and into your cheeks, you clamp your mouth shut.


Finally settled in at the park, having dropped off your bags with swimsuits and towels in lockers for the later water rides, the guys turn to you expectantly.

"So Chibi-Chan, where to first?" Kuroo asks.

"Umm I'm not really sure, you guys have been here before right? What do you recommend?"

"You gotta go for the biggest one first! Steel Dragon 2000... 307 foot drop baby!" Bokuto hollers enthusiastically.

At the look of panic in your eyes he hurries to reassure and encourage you. "Don't be scared y/n! Just think of it this way, if you do the tallest one first all the other smaller ones should be a piece of cake right?"

"Oooorrr it could scare me so bad I don't want to ride anything else and then this entire trip is a bust." You try not to sound pessimistic but your nerves are definitely trying to get the best of you.

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