Ch. 35 Reality Check...

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A/N: Hey guys so just a heads up for this chapter there is going to be some bouncing back and forth of internal thoughts with both reader and with Tsukki so to make it easier to tell the difference, readers thoughts will be the usual italics and Tsukki's will be underlined italics. So it'll look like this

Reader: 'Reader's inner thoughts'
Tsukki: 'Tsukki's inner thoughts'


The day of the festival finally arrives before you know it. To say you're nervous is the biggest understatement of the century. What's that saying??? When you're excited for something time moves at a snails pace but when you're dreading something, that moment is here before you know it. Every time you try to come up with a game plan in your head you end up stuck in a endless circle of what if scenarios.

Finally deciding the best course of action would be to just have fun and when the opportunity presents itself, you'll bring it up then.

Just as you put the finishing touches on your makeup you hear a knock at the door and then a voice.

"We're here!!! Y/n you almost ready?" Hitoka asks.

"Yep just grabbing my shoes." You say as you come around the corner.

"Wooo hot damn girl, you trying to give Tsukki a nose bleed or something?" She giggles

"Or something," you smile. "You don't think it's too much right? I tried to keep it minimal." You asks nervously.

"You look gorgeous, y/n. Tsukki's gonna wanna eat you up. Doesn't she look gorgeous, Tadashi?" She asks her boyfriend who walks in.

"You look lovely y/n." Yamaguchi says as he hugs Hitoka from behind whispering something in her ear that makes her blush.

You giggle at the two of them while you slip on your shoes "You guys are adorable."

"You ladies ready to go?" Yamaguchi asks.

You both nod walking outside, pulling your door closed and locking it.


"Hey Tsukishima, you can go for the day. I'm sure you probably want to head out to the festival like everyone else is. I can lock up."

"Are you sure?" Tsukki asks hesitantly. He wants to go but he also doesn't want to make a bad impression, with this being his first week.

"I'm positive." Upon Tsukki's cheerful grin the director asks "Got a lucky lady waiting for you?"

"Umm, yeah, kinda... she's just a friend right now but..." Tsukki runs his fingers through his hair nervously.

"Gotcha, I know what you mean. Go have fun then." The director says. "Oh hey wait up just a sec." He goes over to a cabinet in one of the storage areas and tosses Tsukki a blanket. "Find somewhere private you two can talk while watching the fireworks. Ladies love that." The director says as he ushers Tsukki on his way.

"Thank you, Director Tsukauchi." Tsukki says pausing briefly to send you a text to say he's on his way then heading towards the doors.

"Good luck!"


"Dammit, it broke again!" Hinata groaned in frustration.

After a few hours of exploring the festival, you were all sitting at tables trying your hand at Katanuki with everyone.

"It's because your rushing, you gotta take it slowly," Tanaka says only for his to break a second later. "Dammit..."

Passion of a Cold Heart (Tsukishima x female reader)Where stories live. Discover now