Falafels and Fun

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October 25

     I had Calculus tutoring with Sam per usual at the library. We had gone past derivatives and were studying more complex problems now. Sam was showing me how to use a graphing calculator to help with the problems. "It's so fancy," I said. "It looks like a smartphone from the early 2000s almost."

Sam just laughed. "You sure are something Magnus. Why don't you try with the next equation?"

I nodded and she handed the calculator to me. I typed in the equation and then let the calculator spit out the graph. "Oh, this really is neat," I said. "Do you know if we're allowed this on the AP exam?"

Sam shook her head. "I don't think so."

I had taken two AP classes at my last high school (Physics and US History). I'd passed both of the classes and depending on where I decided to go to college, I'd come in with some credits, which was nice. The thing about studying nursing was that you needed to take a lot of math and science classes and any I could get out of the way now, was good to me. "It's a pity," I said. "This calculator almost makes me want to study."

Alex rolled her eyes. "You act like such a bad boy, Magnus, but we all know you're a softie — and you study a lot."

"What can I say?" I said, shrugging. "My cousin is a genius and I don't want to let my family down."

Sam's lips tugged upwards. "You both are doing good. Now, let's move onto the next problem."

Thirty minutes later, Sam left. She was in a good mood today because one of Amir's relatives was a pilot and going to let her practice sometime this weekend. "Have you ever flown before?" I'd asked.

"Half a dozen times," she had answered.

My jaw had dropped. "Is there anything you cannot do?"

"Be me," Alex has said and we'd all laughed.

Now, it was just Alex and me. I wondered if she was going to leave soon. She often went to her grandpa's place after school and did her homework there. "He's nicer than my parents and he has his own ceramics studio," she'd told me.

"So," I said, trying to think of what to say. "How are things going?"

Alex shrugged. "Same as usual. My grandpa is going to pick me up in five minutes."

Five minutes. I had five minutes to do this. "Umm, Alex?" I said. "Can I ask you a question?"

Alex raised both eyebrows. She'd filled them in today with an eyebrow pencil, so they matched her green hair. "Sure, but I won't promise that I'll answer it."

"Fair enough," I said.

I tried to think of how I was going to word it. Alex's phone buzzed. "My grandpa is here," she said, standing up. "What did you want to ask me?"

It was now or never. "Would you like to go to the haunted house event at school?" I asked. "It's only $5 and it sounds like it would be fun and—"

Alex's lips twitched. "You don't have to explain yourself. I'll go, Magnus."

Then, she walked away and left me feeling like I was staring at a Calculus problem too difficult to solve.


   When my mother picked me up, I had found three sources to use for my essay. I was pretty pleased with the thesis so far (it was something like: anti-bullying initiates often fail because they tell the victims of bullying to change instead of the perpetrators). I had found some research on the outcomes of bullies, victims, and bully-victims (people who were both bullies and were bullied). To my surprise, it wasn't just the victims that suffered and it was actually the bully-victims that statistically had the worst outcomes.

   My mother smiled at me. "You look lost in thought."

    "I've been working on an essay," I said.

    My stomach grumbled. "You sound hungry," my mother said. "Why don't we eat out tonight?"

    "Really?" I asked.

    We rarely ate out because of money, so this was a huge treat. My mother smiled. "We'll go to your favorite place: Fadlan's Falafels."

     "Oh my," I said. "This day keeps getting better and better."

    "What else has happened today?" she asked.

     I told her about  Calculus tutoring and Alex agreeing to go to the haunted house with me. She smiled as I talked and said she'd take us there as long as I did my chores. "Course, mom. Thank you."

   Chores weren't fun, but it wasn't like my mother expected me to be her butler or anything. I was to keep my room clean and occasionally help out with other things around the house: washing dishes, sweeping, mopping, taking out the trash, etc. sometimes I would do something without my mother asking and the gratitude she showed always made it worth it.

     My mother parked and we went into the mall food court. There was your usual slew of fast food chains and then there was Fadlan's Falafels. It was currently the only one in town, though Amir had told me his father was planning on expanding. The smell of frying falafels and sizzling meat made my mouth water.

    Amir was behind the counter and he flashed his pearly white smile as we approached. "How is school going?" he asked me.

    "Good," I said. "Sam is helping tutor me in Calculus."

    It might have been the heat from the fryers, but Amir's cheeks looked more colored than usual. "Sam is amazing," he said in a voice that told me he felt the same about the betrothal as she did.

    "How is school going for you?" I asked.

    He shrugged. "Same usual. I'm taking my classes and applying for college."

   "Any choices yet?" I asked.

   "Not sure where," he said, "but I want to study business. What would you two like today?"

    We ordered gyros and falafels with a yogurt dipping sauce on the side. Amir gave us ice waters and we sipped them as we waited for the food to be prepared. When the food was ready, we sat down and ate. Maybe my standards weren't high, but this might have been one of the best days of my life.

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