My Head Nearly Gets Dismembered

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August 24

       I got to the gym just as the bell rang. I had spent too much time texting my cousin and lost track of time. It wasn't until she asked me if I was texting in class, that I remembered I should be going there. My cousin goes to some private academy in New York and her dream is to become an architect. We don't visit often because our parents haven't gotten along since the Great Thanksgiving Fight, but we text and FaceTime often. She likes to send me pictures of the blueprints she sketches and I like to send her memes.

      "You're late, boy," my teacher said.

     He was an ox-like man with a bushy red beard and long hair tied back into a ponytail. He wore gym shorts and a Valhalla High t-shirt. He looked like he could crack my neck without even sweating. To my surprise, he grinned broadly. "It's your first day of gym, so I'll let it slide. Everyone, to the lockers. We're going to change out!"

   I found myself looking around for anyone I recognized. I didn't see anyone until my eyes found Alex speaking with our teacher. "Umm, Mr. Gunderson?" Alex asked.

"It's Thor, boy," Thor replied.

"Girl," Alex corrected. "I'm a girl today."

"Okay, what do you need?" Thor asked.

"I was wondering if I could change in private. I don't feel comfortable and people can be mean because I'm genderfluid."

"Let no one say I don't care for the small people," Thor said. "You can use my office."

Alex smiled and then skipped away. "Looks like someone needs to focus," I heard someone say.

I turned round to see the hijabi girl I saw yesterday smiling at me. "You won't win my sister's heart without speaking to her."

"I'm not — it's not like that," I said, shuffling.

She raised her eyebrows. "Well, you'd better get going, Magnus."

"How do you know my name?" I asked.

She gave me a smile. "It's my job as a Valkyrie to know people. I'm Samirah. Now go."

I quickly changed out into some running shorts and a non-blue t-shirt. I was stuffing my clothes into my gym locker when Halfborn greeted me. "You're in for a good semester," he said. "Thor has us play games everyday."

"What are the Valkyries?" I asked.

"Hmm," Halfborn said. "It's kind of hard to explain to a newbie."

"Humor me," I said.

"Well, they're like elite cheerleaders," Halfborn said, "combined with marching band and wrestlers. They're for school spirit, but honestly some people just go to the games to watch them. They're incredible — the airborne stunts, the axe-wielding, their battle-cries during the last minute of the match — they make our school unique. They're as strong as football players and as agile as gymnasts."

"That," I decided, "sounds like the strangest cheerleading squad I have ever heard of. Can guys join?"

Halfborn scratched his chin. "I don't know if it's ever been attempted. Is what you want to do: join the Valkyries?"

     "Oh no," I said. "My asthma would really appreciate that."

    Halfborn grinned. "You could join the wrestling team."

    "I'm not much of a fighter," I said.

     "Well, you should find a club to join," Halfborn said. "Whatever your interest — there's bound to be a club for it at our school."

      A sharp whistle permeated the air. "Come on," Thor said. "It's time to get moving!"


We started with some stretches. Alex was as bendy as a straw; I felt proud to touch my toes. After stretches, we had to warm up with a quick jog around the gym. My lungs were about ready to sue me by the time it was over.

     Thor blew his whistle again. "Alright, we're playing Dodgeball today. The captains are Gunilla and Halfborn."

     Gunilla was a muscular, blonde senior with long blonde hair that she wore tied back in a ponytail. I ended up on Halfborn's team along with Mallory, TJ, and two dozen other people I didn't recognize. Both Alex and Samirah were on Gunilla's side.

      "The other team is almost all Valkyries," Halfborn muttered.

     "Don't worry, idiot," Mallory said. "They have to face you and I."

    She saw my nervous look and gave me a clap on the back. "Don't be the first one out, Beantown."

     "Beantown?" I repeated.

    Mallory shrugged. "It suits you."

    The game began with a blow of Thor's whistle. Balls went flying and the gym was loud with the sound of sneakers thudding against the ground as people fled balls. Gunilla's team was merciless. No sooner would a ball come to their side that they'd aim it at one of us. They caught so many balls that seven of my teammates were out in three minutes.

      Halfborn stepped up to the challenge. He ran for balls, throwing them wildly at the other side. A look of fierce joy eclipsed his features. "What is he doing?" I asked Mallory as I bent over to retrieve a ball.

     "He goes berserk sometimes," Mallory said. "Nothing can stop him when he's like this — not exhaustion or sore muscles. He'll play until he's out."

    I heard a note of admiration enter her voice and I was about to tease her about it when a ball came towards us. We fled in opposite directions. I looked at the blue ball in my hands and decided to aim it towards Gunilla; I missed terribly.

    Unfortunately, that got her attention and she threw a series of balls towards me. I missed them by mere inches until I finally caught one. I stared at the orange ball in my hands in shock. A ball came careening towards me and I didn't move in time to prevent it from hitting my temples. I fell to the ground.

     Gunilla's team ended up winning. Just as class was letting out, Alex approached me. "I'm sorry," she said. "I didn't mean to aim for your head; I was going more for your torso."

     "That's really reassuring," I replied.

   Alex raised one eyebrow. "You did well for a newbie; most new people don't even last a minute against Gunilla."

    I didn't even point out that I had spent most of the time running as she walked away.

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