The Janitor's Closet Isn't Just For Kissing

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November 1

    I still couldn't get over the fact Alex had kissed me last night. Well, it was just on the cheek, but still. Alex has voluntarily chosen to put her lips on my cheek. Such a simple movement and yet it conveyed so much Why did thinking about that make me squeal like an excited fanboy?

I didn't tell my mother. I didn't tell my friends. I didn't want to make Alex feel uncomfortable and besides, the memory of the kiss felt precious and private. I wanted to hold onto it forever in case it was the only one. But what if it wasn't. My mind played through possibilities as I ate my cereal that morning, but tasted Alex's lips instead (she had worn cotton candy flavored lip balm and I had never tasted anything sweeter).

We could date through college and then marry afterwards. We could adopt kids if she wanted. We could have pets (as long as they weren't wolves). We could support each other. Alex would be making pottery while I started my career in nursing. We'd live out our days and grow old together.

My mother noted my silence, but thankfully didn't say anything. She chatted on about work and the upcoming holidays, though I saw her eyes were sparkling with laughter. I wondered how much she knew about what happened last night.

When I had turned 13, my mother sat me down one day and gave me the talk. She said all the usual things about hormones that w had already learned in middle school (those videos were horrid), but she also gave me some real, practical advice. She told me about boundaries in a relationship, consent, and abuse. "Few people mention this fact, but you as a boy are actually more likely to be sexually assaulted than falsely accused of sexually assaulting another," she said.

    I blinked. Why then were stories of false rape accusations so prevalent in the media? Besides, one false story didn't mean that all others should be disbelieved. Sometimes I wished my mother could drive some common sense into the minds of everyone.

     My mother dropped me off and I said goodbye. I was in a good mood as I walked to my locker. "Magnus, why are you humming 'Shake it Off?'" Halfborn asked.

   Jack nodded in approval. "Good music taste."

   I shrugged. "I'm just happy."

    "About what?" Halfborn pressed.

     "Is a man not allowed to be happy?" I asked. "Or is that illegal now?"

     "Yeah," Mallory said. "I'm making it illegal. The law goes into effect in two seconds."

    I made a fake frown. "Well, I better start practicing my frowns. Is there a class I can take in dramatic complaining?"

    Halfborn snorted. "Now you look like Grumpy Cat."

    "Grumpy Magnus," Jack said. "That would make a good meme."

   I quickly lost my grumpy look. "I do not want to be a meme."

    Mallory laughed. "You won't be, Beantown. Jack is just joking, aren't you?"

   Jack blinked back, trying to look innocent under the her fierce glare. "Of course," he said. "It's not like I got a photo anyway."

He turned to me. "Magnus, I would never create a meme about you without your permission. As I always say: blokes before jokes."

"You've never said that before," Mallory said.

I couldn't help giggling. "I don't think I'd make a good meme anyway."

The warning bell rang. Class would be starting in five minutes. We made our way, still talking and laughing, to Odin's classroom. I always like it because it wasn't too cramped and the desks were nicely sized — large enough to place a textbook, my phone, and a binder out all at once. Not that I ever did that of course.

        Odin reminded us that our outlines were due this Friday. "I'm not giving you guys another day to slack off this time," he said. "They must be completed in time and remember to make them detailed. That will help you when you're writing your rough draft."

     After class, Jack asked me how mine was going. "I'm nearly done," I said. "Just the conclusion to work on. I'm hoping to write the rough draft over the weekend."

   Jack nodded. He looked a little nervous. "Can we talk later? In private?"

    "Course," I said. "Bathroom on the third floor at lunchtime?"

    He shook his head. "Best not meet yo there again in case anyone heard. How about the library?"

    "I got a better idea," I said. "The janitor's closet in the basement. They always take an hour-long lunch break."

   "Sounds good," Jack said.


    "Where are you going?" Alex asked me. "I thought we were eating lunch together."

    I tried to think quickly. I didn't want to tell anyone else about Jack's situation. That wouldn't be fair to him or Riptide. "The bathroom," I said.

    Alex raised both eyebrows. He had colored them in again today and they looked like little hedges. "With your lunchbox?"

    "Course," I said.

    Alex shrugged. "Alright. Keep your secrets."

   I dashed off quickly. I'd talk to him later. I didn't want to upset Alex, but I couldn't betray Jack's secret either. I was a little out of breath when I got to the janitor's closet. I took a few puffs with my inhaler as I opened the door and slipped into the small space. "Sorry I'm late," I told Jack.

He was standing near the mops, his posture casual and his face anything but. "Magnus, Riptide wants to speak with you."

"With me?" I asked.

"Yes," he said, pulling out his phone. "But you have to promise patient confidentiality."

"Well, I'm not a doctor, but I will be HIPAA compliant," I said.

"That's good enough for me," came Riptide's voice from Jack's phone. "Magnus, my father doesn't know."

She paused. "I'm afraid he'll kick me out if he finds out and then what? And besides, I'm not ready to have a baby yet."

She took a shuddering breath. "I've been thinking about this. I think I want an abortion."

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