Birthday Boy

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January 13

For my birthday, we had falafel instead of cake. Okay, we didn't actually have falafel for dessert, but my birthday sure was something. I had school that day and my mother dropped off a box at the office. "It's your dessert for lunch," she told me. "Don't peak beforehand. It's to share with your friends."

I wanted to peak really badly, but school was back in full force. We were reading Hamlet in English class today and somehow, Alex ended up being Gertrude, Halfborn was Claudius, and I was the dead ghost. Yippee! It was weird to say the least and at the end of class, Odin remarked that, "I've never had a class show so much enthusiasm while reading Hamlet. I expect you will all ace the drama exam and if any of you want to pursue acting as a career, I know the owner of the theater in town. They're putting on a production of Hamlet soon and I can put in a good word for you."

Jack, who had played the title character, looked starstruck at the idea and stayed after class to discuss it. I had other things to think about. My schedule was mostly the same this semester, but instead of Ceramics I had Advanced Ceramics (I just signed up so I could she in the same class as Alex) and I was taking US Constitution in lieu of PE.

      Advanced Ceramics was pretty much more freedom and less structure, which gave me more time to chat. This class was really small. There was only Alex, I, and eight others I didn't know. Most of my friends still needed a half credit of Health or wanted an open block to study in the library. At least this meant I got Alex all to myself.

       We were discussing the implications of laws banning transgender female athletes from competing. "It's stupid," Alex said. "They're not only denying the gender of athletes, but they're saying women are weak."

    I nodded. "If they met Samirah, they'd think otherwise."

    Alex smirked. "Or any of the other Valkyries."

    She sighed. "I'm just glad I'm not an athlete. It's hard enough having your gender identity erased at home."

    Her face closed up. "Your father," I said, punching into my slab of clay, "is about as kind as a hungry crocodile."

    Alex laughed because it was true, but there was bitterness beneath the surface. "I can't wait to move out," she confessed. "I'm going to find my own place — an apartment somewhere — and never return."

      "Maybe you could move in to my place," I said.

     "What would your mother say?" Alex asked.

       "She'd probably like you," I said. "You guys are a lot alike. You have the same aura."

      Alex raised her eyebrows. "And what is this aura you speak of?"

     "The aura of growth," I said. "You two are both adaptable and lush."

     "Adaptable and lush," Alex said. "I like that. You know, that might be the most intelligent remark you ever made."

     "I make plenty of intelligent remarks," I said.

      Alex grinned. "I didn't say you didn't. So, you wouldn't sneak me into your house without your mother knowing."

     "And try to keep you a secret?" I said, scrunching my eyebrows together. "That would be impossible."

     "Because you're a mama's boy?" Alex asked cheekily.

     "No, because you make enough noise to wake the dead," I said.

     Alex let out a full-throated laugh. "You, Magnus Chase, crack me up."

     I smiled; could my birthday get any better? Of course it could. At lunchtime I went to the office to retrieve my box. "Open it up," Halfborn urged me as we sat down.

     "I hope it's a cookie cake," TJ said.

      "I want red velvet," Mallory insisted.

       "Any cake good with me," Halfborn said.

       I lifted the cardboard lid to see. . . "Falafels?" Jack asked, a tinge of disappointment in his voice.

      Yes, falafels in pita pocket, but wait . . . "These aren't falafels," I realized.

     It was dessert designed to look like falafels. The "falafels" were balls of cookie dough, the "pita" was angel food cake, the "veggies" were fruit, and the "sauces" were frosting. I handed one to each friend. "Wow," Halfborn said. "These are good. Can I have another?"

      Mallory gave him a look. "You haven't even thanked him yet, you barbarian."

    She turned to me, frosting running her mouth. "Thank you, Beantown. May I have another?"

     "Let's sing him happy birthday first!" Sam said.

     Jack began singing and everyone picked up the tune. Then, I handed out the rest of the dessert falafels. I found out later that my mother had ordered them from a local bakery, but then I just enjoyed the sheer amazingness of it all. I remembered my 17th birthday when I had been given a swirly as a "birthday present" or the time the class changed the lyrics of the happy birthday song to make fun of me. I thought of the time in 7th grade when one of my worst bullies promised me he would be my friend if I gave him another one of the cupcakes my mother had bought for me. I'd responded with an epic no; he responded by badmouthing me.

      After dessert was finished, my friends furtively gave me wrapped presents. Jack had gotten me a Nirvana t-shirt. Halfborn bought me a new pair of headphones. Mallory gave me a penknife. "This is the most useful present you'll ever be given," she informed me. "It's a self-defense weapon, lock-picker, can-opener, and peeler all in one."

Hearthstone gave me some Nirvana records to hang up on my walls. Blitzen had knitted me a slate-grey scarf. TJ had gotten me the newest book in The Travails of Apollo series. Samirah gave me a gift card to Fadlan's Falafels. Alex had made me a mug. "That way, you can think of me everytime you wake up exhausted and want a cup of coffee," she said.

"You're evil," I teased. "Pure evil, but I love you that way."

She stuck out her tongue. "Good because I'm not changing for anyone, but myself — not even you birthday boy."

"I know," I said, grinning so hard that my cheeks were starting to ache. "I know."

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