Magnus, It's Cold Outside

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    I was a human icicle by the time I got to the hospital. After pulling me out of the Boston Harbor, Alex gave me strict instructions not to row, so I just sat there shivering for awhile as my friends rowed as hard as they could. Eventually, I picked up my row and began using it. Alex fixed a look on me. "I'm cold," I said defensively. "This might help me warm up."

      "He's right," TJ said, "it will help get the blood flowing."

      "Alright," Alex conceded, "but don't exert yourself too much."

Sam was the one who spotted the rock. It turns out, we had been looking for it too early. The other longboat had beaten us and they looked pretty pleased about it until we came in. My father, who was chatting with Halfborn about building a longboat, ran forward and scooped me up as if I were a puppy. "Magnus, you're soaked!" he exclaimed. "What happened?"

"I took a dip in the Boston Harbor," I said.

"He fell in," Sam clarified.

I shot her a look and she shrugged. It was the truth, but I didn't like my father treating me like a newborn puppy — especially since I'd survived seventeen years without him. "We're going to the hospital," my father decided.

"That's unnecessary," I said.

"Your mother will kill me if anything happens to you," my father said, "and something already has. I don't want to see you getting any worse."

"I'll be fine," I said. "I'm used to being cold."

"Your lips are turning blue," my father said.

"Oh no," I said. "Not blue . . ."

Aside from disliking the color blue, I knew it was generally not a good color for your lips to be (unless one was wearing lipstick). My father grunted and without ceremony, carried me in his arms towards his car. The rest of my friends accompanied him. "Can I come with you two?" Alex asked, her eyes fixed on me.

My father nodded. "The rest of you can meet me at the hospital."

My father finally let me down as he unlocked his car. He turned on the heat (it was freezing in the car) and Alex found a coat in the back. She helped me change out my sodden one into the other one, which was admittedly too big on me, but at least it was dry. We found a blanket and wrapped ourselves together on it. I felt myself begin to thaw a little as my father started driving. My eyelids grew heavy. "Stay awake," Alex told me sternly.

       I nodded, but it was hard to. My body seemed to be shutting down, like a phone that was at 4%. Alex kept her two-toned gaze on me and whenever I started to nod off, she snapped her fingers in front of my nose or began singing "Home on the Range." After the third time of her doing that, I flatly said, "I never want to hear that song ever again."

      "Then stay awake or I'll be singing it by your bedside," Alex said.

    "I've never heard a scarier threat," I deadpanned.

      When we got to the hospital, it was actually fairly quiet. I tried to walk to the lobby, but I ended up skidding over a patch of ice and light-headed as I was, I fell backwards on my bum. Where is everyone?" I asked as Alex and my father supported me in.

     There were only a few others in ER waiting room: a girl who looked liked she'd broken a leg and an old man rubbing his head as if he'd gotten a concussion. The walls of the waiting room were painted light blue. Naturally, my body then took the cue to faint.


I woke up to the sound of anxious voices and beeping. My head felt fuzzy and I blinked my eyes open. The first thing I saw was my mother, her eyes bright with sorry as she looked at me. "Magnus, are you okay? What happened?"

     My mind whirled with confusion and I turned my head slightly. I to see that the beeping was coming from a machine that was monitoring my vital signs, which meant the sticky things I felt on my stomach were . . . "Your father called me on the drive to the hospital," my mother continued. "When I arrived, they said you fainted because your blood pressure was so low. You've been unconscious for hours."

     "Wait?" I said, realizing something. "I'm in the hospital?"

     "Where else would your father take you?" my mother asked.

    I shrugged. "I dunno. My mind feels all fuzzy and stuff."

    My mother nodded. "You get some rest, Magnus. You might be here overnight."

    She kissed me on the forehead. Normally, I didn't like that (and my mom knew, so she avoided it), but at that moment it provided me the sense of security I needed. I closed my eyes and let myself fall asleep.


    I was woken by a raspberry being blown on my face. My eyes flew open and I saw Mallory looking smug as she turned to the rest of my friends. There was a nurse in here and she looked a bit frazzled by the amount of guests. "Don't overwhelm him," she said before turning to leave. "And Magnus, press the red button if you need something."

     "Duly noted," I said.

      The nurse left and my friends badgered me with questions. "What was it like to faint?" Jack asked.

     "Did you see heaven?" Halfborn asked.

      "What did you do yesterday?" TJ asked.

       "Wait?" I cried. "What day is it?"

       "The 26th of December," Alex said.

        "I spent Christmas in the hospital!" I cried.

         My friends looked at me. "It was rather unfortunate," Mallory conceded.

I snorted derisively. "You can say that again."

"It was rather unfortunate you spent half of your Christmas in the hospital," Mallory said, "but on the bright side . . ."

"I refuse to see the bright side," I said flatly.

"You're getting discharged today!" the nurse announced, walking on in, "and your friends are planning to take you out to lunch at Fadlan's Falafels."

Sam facepalmed. The rest of my friends wouldn't meet my gaze. I looked from the nurse back to them and I found myself grinning. Maybe this wasn't too bad of a day after all.

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