Tidal Wave

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October 30

Over the weekend I'd worked on my essay.
The outline was due this Friday and I was mostly fine with it, so I'd soon start on my rough draft. I'd also seen my father and told him about the Haunted House at school. His eyes crinkled up when I mentioned it. "I remember going to the Haunted House when I was your age," he said. "Thor was dressed as a werewolf. I told him I'd never seen such a cute, bearded canine."

I had nearly choked on my peanut butter sandwich with banana slices. "He has a beard in high school?"

My father had smiled. "Oh yes and not a scraggly one, either. He had a full beard by the time he was a sophomore."

"Some things never change," I had said in wonder.

I snapped back to the present when I ran into Jack. His books fell onto the ground, scattering everywhere in the still empty pre-first block hallway. "Sorry man!" I said.

I crouched down to help him pick up his stuff. "Thanks man," he said as I handed his things to him.

I shook my head. "No, I'm sorry for nearly running you over. I was distracted."

To my surprise, Jack didn't make a joke at my expense like he usually did. He was wearing his usual snazzy ensemble and had helped his hair, but his expression was downcast and he carried himself like a defeated man. I found my heart twisting at the sight. I had looked that way so many times in school, resigned to the fact I'd never fit in. I put a hand on Jack's shoulder. "What's wrong, bro?" I asked.

He shrugged and didn't say anything. "You don't have to talk about it," I said, "but I'm here for you if you'd like to and if you don't."

Jack looked up and gave me a small smile. "Fine, but can we go somewhere private like the bathroom?"

I'd rather talk in the library, but I nodded and we squeezed our way into the boys' bathroom on the fourth floor. It was often the least occupied one and there was a little enclave where we could sit down together. Jack sat down and sighed, staring at his lap. After awhile, he pulled out his phone and looked at something. I decided to stay there beside him, but not interfere.

   After awhile, Jack looked up from his phone. "Riptide took a pregnancy test and it was positive."

I blinked. That was not what I'd been expecting. Jack's eyes were wide with worry. I licked my lips and tried to think of something to say. "Things happen," I said.

Jack looked really stressed. "I must have done something wrong! She was on birth and control and we always — we always tried to be safe like we were taught in health class."

"Then it's not your fault," I said. "Things happen. People get pregnant."

"But what about Riptide?" Jack asked. "She's supposed to graduate this year and then go to college?"

"Have you talked about this with her?" I asked gently.

"Not since she told me," Jack said. "I'm afraid she blames me."

I raised an eyebrow. "Has she blamed you?"

Jack chewed his lip and then sighed. "No, but I'm afraid. Her dad is super conservative. I'm afraid he'll kick her out if he finds out she's pregnant."

I sighed. Pregnancies, drugs, being in a gang. . . Parents had a funny way of showing their kids "tough love" by kicking them out of the house. Nothing spells love so much as exposing your kid to higher rates of assault, suicide, and mental health issues!

I squeezed Jack's hand and when he looked up at me, I saw his face shining with tears. "Look, you need to talk to Riptide," I said. "When someone gets pregnant, there are two people responsible."

I paused. "Unless it wasn't consensual, then there's one."

Jack nodded. "I know. We both — I would never do something like that. I love her."

I thought of his dreamy stare when he spoke of her and the way they Fwcetimed at lunch. That was cute and all, but could their relationship survive something like this? Mallory and Halfborn regularly broke up over smaller things and Riptide and Jack were no older. "Why don't you give her a call?" I asked. "I can leave if you need."

"No," Jack said. "I'd like you to stay here."

I nodded and Jack FaceTimed Riptide. There were twenty minutes until class started. I hoped this bathroom would remain relatively empty. "Hey," Riptide said, her face popping up on Jack's phone screen. "You haven't called me all weekend, babe. Why is that?"

Jack looked sheepish. "I was afraid you were mad at me."

Riptide blinked. "I was afraid you were ghosting me and we'd never talk again."

"Oh Riptide," Jack said, his voice cracking. "I would never. No, I've been blaming myself."

Riptide shook her head. "It must have been my fault. I probably forgot the pill one day."

"You can still get pregnant on the pill," I said. "The chances are lower, but it happens. Don't blame yourself."

Riptide gave me a watery smile. "You're so kind Magnus, but when my father finds out . . . I won't be showing for at least a month, thankfully."

"Riptide, I want you to know that whatever happens, I'll be here for you," Jack said. "If your father kicks you out, you can stay at my place."

Riptide blinked. "Are you sure?" she asked.

Jack nodded and she smiled slowly.

"If it's okay if I jump in as a doctor," I said.

Jack made a face. "Blonde healer — not Doctor. Big difference."

I put up my hands in defeat. "Alright, as a blonde healer. Riptide, you have three options now: you can have an abortion, put the kid up for adoption, or raise it yourself. It's your choice."

Jack nodded. "I'll support your decision, babe," he said. "I won't pressure you any way."

Riptide blinked. "I'll have to think about it, but thank you guys."

The FaceTime call ended and when Jack met my gaze, I realized they were going to get through this.

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