It's Quiet Here

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April 29

Apparently I didn't get the message that today was Senior Skip Day. I just showed up in my first block class and wondered where everyone was. Like seriously, I got in my seat five minutes before the bell and there was only one other kid that I didn't really know. Where was Halfborn? Why was Mallory gone too? Was Jack sick? They couldn't all be sick at once, could they? I wanted to text them, but the warning bell rang and I knew Odin was not keen on us using phones in class, so I stowed mine away.

Sam entered the room mere moments before the bell rang. I'd never been some relieved to see her. "Where is everyone?" I asked as she sank down into the chair beside me, stowing her backpack under the desk.

"It's Senior Skip Day," Sam answered as she pulled out her English binder.

I was about to ask more questions when Odin broke in. "Three people showed up! That's better than last year. I'll give you all five points of extra credit for showing up and if you'd like to complete this practice AP exam, you'll get another five points of extra credit."

I did the practice AP exam. The questions are more fun when you know you're getting extra credit for doing it. Honestly, most things are more fun if they're for extra credit.

Alex was the only other student in my Ceramics class. "I guess we decided to skip Senior Skip Day," I joked.

Alex rolled her eyes. "Your mother was dropping us off. What were were supposed to do: spend the whole day in the library?"

"You know, that doesn't sound like a bad idea," I replied.

Alex rolled her eyes and muttered something about attractive dorks. Sif looked a little miffed about most of the class being absent. "I was going to tell you guys about your final project," she pouted.

"Final project?" I asked.

"I've teamed with the other creative arts teachers and we're going to have a student gallery night," Sif said. "It's in three weeks."

"The last week of school," I noted.

Sif nodded. "I wanted my Advanced Ceramics student to get a taste of what's it like to be in an art exhibition."

     "What do we have to do for it?" I asked.

       Sif smiled. "Create a piece of pottery of your choosing and create an artist statement when you're finished. Then, you'll just have to attend the art exhibition where you can look at other students' work."

   Alex's eyes gleamed. "This sounds fun."

    Sif spread her palms open. "Well, what are you waiting for? Let's get started."

Alex got up to grab some clay and I made to follow her because I had no idea what my final project was going to be and I didn't want to just sit there feeling like an idiot. I watched Alex slice a hunk of clay off using her garrote. I don't know why, but Alex made the action seem so graceful and meaningful. Alex had that effect on things, I considered as I garroted my own chunk of clay; she made the mundane seem extraordinary.

It was then that I had my idea: an Alex bowl. It would like a bowl, but like Alex, it would be multi-functional. It would also serve as a hat. Satisfied with my idea, I sat down and started shaping the into a wide, shallow bowl. Beside me, Alex was was rolling out clay into long coils that resembled snakes. I wondered if she was going to make a 3-D art piece titled Nest of the Serpents.

    Biology was quiet without Magni and Mothi to make obnoxious jokes. Mimir looked pretty miffed about the poor attendance. "Just three of you today?" he asked grouchily, looking over Sam, Alex, and I. "I'd have thought that Blitzen and Hearthstone would at least show up."

    Blitzen had explained that freshman year they'd had a little too much fun in Mimir's classroom (apparently the fun involved drinking liquid out of the miniature well Mimir used to have up). The two had been suspended, the liquid in the well had not granted them knowledge (it had been filled with Red Bull) and Mimir was incredibly embarrassed that everyone found out about his fondness for Red Bull. Poor Blitzen and Hearthstone had been trying to get into Mimir's good books ever since.

Mimir scowled. "Well, I suppose we can have a fun day," he said. "Spent in the pursuit of knowledge."

Considering that every day at school was supposed to be spent in the pursuit of knowledge, I wondered out loud how this one would be any different. "You may ask me questions," Mimir replied.

"Do they have to be about Biology?" I asked.

Mimir shook his head. "Why did you decide to become an ambassador?" Alex asked.

"I competed in Model UN as a student," Mimir said. "I was an eloquent speaker and an avid follower of global affairs. For my birthdays, my friends and family would buy me subscriptions to different newspapers and magazines that covered global affairs. I knew more about what was going on in Russia than most Russians."

"In college I pursued my interests in global studies at Oxford," Mimir continued. "During that time, I interned for British diplomats and built a reputation for being savvy and smart. When I returned to America, I was offered my first post as a diplomat. In the years that followed, I held many positions until I became the ambassador to North Korea."

     He sighed. "I'm assuming you all want to hear about my fifteenth near-execution."

     "Ummm, that will not be necessary," I said.

      Mimir waved his palm as if I hadn't said anything. "It is a harrowing tale. I was sent to North Korea with a coworker named Hoenir. He was tall and handsome, but slower than an ox. Unfortunately, the North Koreans looked at him and decided he was the one worth speaking to — even though I was the higher-ranking diplomat. Hoenir didn't know how to respond to their questions, so he had me write speeches and practice answers for him. When the North Koreans found out, we were arrested and I was nearly beheaded."

    He let out a gutsy sigh. "It's quiet in here. Usually I have more students listening to my riveting tale."

       The bell rang and Mimir was left contemplating his last diplomatic mission.

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