Advanced Placement

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May 8

The evening before the first of the year's AP exams, my friends and I convened at Fadlan's Falafels. "If I get 1s on everything," I declared, "at least I'll have enjoyed the hummus here."

My week has been filled with practice AP exams and hours of studying after school. Only Ceramics gave me any respite; the Alex bowl had taken form and I had finished my third coat of glaze on Friday; now, it only needed to be fired in the kiln. Alex and I had spent the last 48 hours quizzing each other on everything from meiosis to standard deviation. "Okay guys," Halfborn began as we sat down at a large table in the food court.

"And girls and representatives of all genders," Alex said.

Halfborn grinned. "Fellow Homo sapiens."

"I prefer to think of myself as a weapon of stupendous capabilities," Jack interrupted, "and we all know Blitzen is a dwarf."

Blitzen gave him a side-eye. "Just because I'm short, doesn't mean I'm a dwarf."

"Can we just study already?" Mallory asked.

"I couldn't agree more," Sam said.

Halfborn cleared his throat. "That's what I was saying. The English and History exams are tomorrow, so I was thinking we should study for them."

"Works for me," TJ said.

We split up into pairs and quizzed each other with our notes. Sam had made flashcards for all of us and Alex kept on rubbing in the fact she didn't have to take the English exam. "Pity," she said after I confused dramatic irony and sarcasm. "I thought you were fluent in both."

"I ooze sarcasm," I said.

She raised an eyebrow. "Next one: define anaphora."

"When a word or phrase is repeated in the beginning of lines," I said.

"Correct," Alex said. "Give an example."

"Martin Luther King Junior's 'I have a dream' speech," I answered.

Alex smiled. "Correct. Now give me your own example."

"My own example?" I asked. "You mean you want me to spout poetry?"

Alex's smile widened and I knew that was exactly was my charmingly evil girlfriend wanted of me. "But I'm not a Noble Laureate poet!" I sputtered.

       "Neither was the bard who composed the Poetic Edda," Alex reminded me.

    Confronted by this insurmountable evidence, I racked my brain for inspiration. At that moment, I was saved by the arrival of Amir with our dinner. Alex handed me a glass of jellab, a Middle Eastern drink with with grapes and rose water. "Here is your mead of inspiration," Alex said. "Drink it and recite words of wisdom."

    I drank the jellab and though it was delicious, my brain felt as fuzzy as ever. I calmed down as we ate though. We talked about our upcoming graduation ceremony and our plans for after high school. "I'm going to Asgard University," Sam said.

She gave me a smile when I said Alex and I were joining her. "It wouldn't be the same without you," she said.

"What is everyone hoping to study?" I asked.

To nobody's surprise, Sam was going to attend flight school. Halfborn mumbled something about linguistics and Germanic literature. Mallory was undecided, but she wanted to study abroad in Ireland for a semester. TJ wanted to study history. "It's my hope that I can one day direct documentary films or write books about American history," he said.

Blitzen wanted to study fashion and business. Hearthstone was thinking about medieval studies. Jack wanted to go into theatre. "If I'm lucky, I'll drop out and become a singer on Broadway," he said.

I smiled at the idea of Jack singing Taylor Swift songs to crowds of prim theatre-goers. "What about you, Alex?" I asked my girlfriend.

"Undecided," she said, "but art sounds cool."

I smiled; I could see her changing her major five or six times. Alex was very spontaneous and at times her energy leaned towards chaotic. "So, are you ready to recite your anaphora?" she asked.

Halfborn grinned. "Great. I want to hear this."

I groaned and looked at Alex. "You are more evil than Fenrir the wolf."

Alex grinned. "I like to think of myself more like a serpent."

"Behold!" Mallory said, pointing at her dramatically. "The serpent that tempted Eve."

We collapsed into a fit of giggles, but when it subsided, my nervousness returned. I really wished I had some more time to plan this anaphora — like maybe four years to study poetry. "Alright," I said. "I shall begin my poetic masterpiece."

     I spoke in a mock-serious tone that made my friends giggle. I just hoped they wouldn't think too poorly of me for my mediocre poetry skills. "Alex, for whom the bells tolls. Alex, the truth universally known that every single man with a good fortune is in want of. Alex, sing of the rage of Achilles. Alex, the Spear Danes in days gone by."

My friends exchanged grins. "Maybe there is hope for you as a poet yet," Halfborn chuckled.

Mallory frowned. "He just lifted quotes from literature."

I blushed. "My mind went blank."

"At least he knows what an anaphora is," Blitzen said.

Jack grinned. "Yeah, in his mind it's starting every sentence with 'Alex!'"

"Hey!" I protested. "I challenge you to come up with a better one."

"Okay," Jack said calmly. "Advanced Placement is the bane of this motley group of high schoolers. Advanced Placement is a curriculum to prepare us for college. Advanced Placement is the fountain from which most bad examples of anaphora spring."

      "Okay, that was pretty funny," I admitted grudgingly. "And good considering you came up with it in less than a minute."

   Jack shrugged. "I'm a creative individual."

   I turned to Alex. "Well, I think I can identify an anaphora now."

    She grinned. "I think we all can. Shall we move on to studying for our AP History exam now?"

    TJ rubbed his hands together. "This is the one I'm really looking forward to."

     "I hope we get questions on Vikings," Halfborn said.

      Mallory rolled her eyes. "You're obsessed with Vikings."

     "They're awesome," Halfborn agreed.

"Nerd," she said, but her smile lessened the sting.

Alex leaned over and whispered into my ear. "Personally, I find nerds attractive. Especially ones with the initials MC."

I smiled ear to ear. "And I like clay masters with snake tattoos."

"Clay master," Alex said, feeling the phrase out. "I like it."

From then on, it was one of Alex's honorary titles.

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