FASFA and Fathers

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October 8

    I woke up Saturday with too much homework to do. We had started a new unit in Calculus, I had to read Beowulf for English, we had a history exam coming up soon, and Mimir has decided to load us down with Biology homework. At least I had finished my ASL homework last night.

       I read Beowulf over a bowl of Cheerios with sliced strawberries. I used sticky notes to keep track of important things like the fact Grendel was apparently a descendent of Cain and how his mother's name wasn't mentioned. I finished reading the assigned portion and started reading my history textbook. Odin had assigned us the questions at the end of three lessons to do, so it would probably take me quite a bit.

     I was nearly finished with the first lesson (on the causes of World War I) when my mother came downstairs. She started making some coffee and sat down beside me on the couch while it brewed. "How are you doing?" she asked.

   I shrugged. "I'm busy."

   "I got news from the FASFA," she said.

     I looked up from my homework. "What is it?"

     "You're not Pell-eligible," she said. "I make too much for that, but you should still be eligible for some scholarships. Oh, and your father called. He wants to meet you."

    I froze. "My father?" I sputtered.

    Jack, who had worked at my father's store, knew him better than I did. "He wants to meet me? After seventeen years?"

   My mother sighed. "I'm sorry if I upset you, Magnus, but . . ."

   She straightened up. "The time I had with your father was brief, but short. We were both in college and we were never officially dating. I never told him I was expecting his child until you were born."

    "Why?" I asked.

     "Because I knew we were never going to be a married couple," she said. "I just knew it wouldn't happen. He's married now, but you're his only kid and he finally asked if he could meet you. I told him it would be your call."

     I thought of all the things I wished I could ask him. I thought of refusing him because he had shut me out for so long, but I looked at my mother's earnest gaze and I finally nodded. "Fine," I said. "I'll meet dad."


      Three hours later, my mother was driving me over to my dad's place to have lunch. I had finished my history homework, but I still had Calculus and Biology to tackle. As we drove through the city, I thought of all the sarcastic questions I could ask my father. Why'd you never visit? What are you going to get me for my eighteenth birthday considering you missed the previous seventeen? Is it true I inherited my social awkwardness from you because I'm pretty sure I inherited my swagness from my mother?

    My mother slowed down her car and parked in a driveway. "Here we are," she said.

    The house was not what I was expecting. For one, it was not a mansion like Freya's, but rather a nice, but fairly ordinary looking house wreathed with ivy. There was another car parked in the driveway and attached to the back of it was a bright yellow sailboat. The garden was beautiful even in the autumn and the leaves were starting to fall, cloaking the ground in many colors.

I got out of the car and walked to the front door, my heart hammering in my chest. I was going to meet my father for the first time in my life. Did I really want this? I paused at the front door. I found myself staring at the wreath made of twigs and fall leaves that hung on the top third of the door. I finally made to knock, but the door opened. "Magnus?" someone said.

I stared, all my sarcastic comments slipping to the back of my mind as I looked at the guy standing opposite of me. He was only a few inches taller than me with the same blonde hair, though his was a little less shaggy. He wore an olive green flannel top and worn jeans, so that he looked like a dad. "Dad?" I managed, the syllable sounding strange on my tongue.

His eyes crinkled up at the sight of me. "Magnus, come in."

I stepped into the house. It smelled like fall spices and baked apples. The decor was tasteful and simple, but with more nature vibes and less minimalist ones. He led me to the dining room where a polished wooden table dominated the space. The chairs were wooden and cushioned. "Sit down," he invited me. "You must be hungry."

He disappeared and I sat down, my legs shaking. I had built this image of my father in my head and he wasn't at all what I'd been thinking. I could see why my mother liked him. He seemed easy going and was dressed like he was ready go hiking or drink coffee at a local café.

I heard voices and a few minutes later, my father returned with another woman. She was tall with braided blonde hair and dressed in a fancy green dress. She smiled when she saw me. "You are my husband's son, Magnus?" she asked. "My name is Geror. It's so nice to see you."

I nodded. I wasn't sure what to make of her, but they set down the dishes they were carrying before leaving and returning with food. There was soup, sandwiches, and apple pie. We sat and ate. My father asked me about my life and told me a little about his. When I finished my apple pie, he cleared the table and returned, leaning forward on his elbows. "Magnus," He said. "I know I've been a very. . . "

He paused to choose the right word. "Absent father. However, I want to change that if it's not too late for you."

He dropped his gaze and I realized he was as nervous as I was. Somehow, that made me feel better. "Yeah," I said. "We can go and I dunno what dads do with their sons."

He looked up and grinned. "Thank you, Magnus. Can I — can I get a hug?"

I wanted to stay mad at him, but I couldn't. His hug was perfect and I found myself crying a little. "Also," my father said. "I just wanted to let you know not the worry about money for college. I can cover the expenses—"

"You don't have to," I interrupted.

He shook his head. "I want to, Magnus. You're my son and I want to make up for not being there for you."

He gave me one last hug and then we set up a date for me to visit next week. The whole visit was even more draining than my homework and when I got home, I took a nap.

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