Trial by Combat

856 22 28

February 17

   It's not everyday you're called upon by your teacher to prove your innocence in a mock battle, but today was that kind of day. It started innocently enough with some more time to work on our project in my Constitution Class. Then in AP History, we started a new unit on the Gilded Age. Odin lectured about corrupt politicians, poverty, and social issues. Honestly, some of the problems he discussed sounded the same as the ones we faced nowadays, which was kind of depressing.

    I'd heard some people think of history as a way of thinking about how much we have improved, while others thought of it as the story of how the human race had degraded. Personally, I felt like history was neither; it was just a jumble of stories. Things were not necessarily better or worse; they were just different. Except for the invention of television because how did people have fun before Doctor Who came out?

      In between taking notes about crooked politicians and how difficult it could be the find a job during the Gilded Age, I noticed someone passing notes. Odin noticed too and his one eye narrowed on the perpetrators. The room went silent as Odin strode across the room. "Utgard-Loki," he said, his voice as cold as a knife kept in a freezer overnight. "You've been passing notes. I hope it's about class work."

      Utgard-Loki's eyes narrowed. "Alex passed it to me!" he said.

    Alex laughed. "Why would I want to speak to you?"

      Utgard-Loki did not miss a beat. "Alex wrote the note. Look, he said you're boring, Odin."

     Alex cleared her throat in impatience. "I did not."

      "You cannot prove it," Utgard-Loki said.

       "And you cannot prove that I did it," Alex said.

    Odin considered the note. "The handwriting looks awfully similar to yours, Alex."

    Alex blanched and muttered some colorful curses. Finally, she sighed and said through gritted teeth, "I did not write that note, I swear."

   Odin scratched his chin. "That means there is only one way to establish truth."

     "Checking the cameras in the room?" I suggested.

     Odin shook his head. "No, we'll have a trial by combat."

    There was silence and then. "Aren't those, like, to the death?" I asked.

     Odin waved away my concern. "No death in this classroom."

        Utgard-Loki looked disappointed. "So, what weapons are we using?"

     "Can I have a champion?" Alex asked. "Women are allowed that, right, along with priests and old men?"

     "Sure," Odin replied.

      "I volunteer as tribute," I said.

       "Nah, I'll do it," Halfborn said. "You're not much of a fighter, Magnus."

      Mallory gave him an exasperated look. "He's doing it for Alex; let him do it."

     Halfborn raised his hands, palms open, apologetically. "I was just trying to help."

"How about you two use some sticks we find outside?" Odin suggested.

"What?" Halfborn said. "No swords or axes?"

Utgard-Loki nodded. "It's harder to kill someone with a tree limb."

"This is not a real trial by combat," Odin said, "and as I said before, there will be no killing."

"Then what's the point of it?" Magni asked.

Odin smiled. "A history lesson."

As the class shuffled out of the room, following Odin, TJ gave me some advice. "Always be aware," he said. "Being distracted can get you killed."

"Thanks," I said, "but getting killed is one of my special talents."

Halfborn smacked me on the back. "You'll do fine."

Mallory rolled her eyes. "Don't get bruised too badly, Beantown."

"Your shoes are untied," Blitzen said and then he tied them into a fancy knot.

"Utgard-Loki is a shifty guy," Sam said. "Be alert."

"I'm glad you gave such confidence in me," I replied.

Hearthstone signed "I love you" (either that or "your daughters are drunk"); I think it was the latter. Alex kissed me on the cheek. "Thank you."

        Odin led us to a copse near the school. "Because of the zero tolerance policy on school grounds, we have to go slightly off campus."

     Alex and I exchanged glances and smothered our giggles. Our principal was helping us break the rules. Utgard-Loki and I both selected a branch. Mine was a smooth and thin willow, while Utgard-Loki chose an oak limb almost as thick as his muscular arms. "Alright," Odin said. "We will start with reciting the charge. Utgard-Loki Jotun accuses Alex Fierro of writing notes. Alex Fierro accuses Utgard-Loki of lying. Magnus Chase is the champion of Alex Fierro; Utgard-Loki will champion himself."

      I breathed deeply, trying not to let my panic show. The class was spread out in a semi-circle and a few students had their phones out; I had a feeling where we went down would be all over social media by lunchtime. "Both of you must swear oaths," Odin said, "saying you are fighting for truth."

     Utgard-Loki swore first and if I didn't know he was a habitual liar, I would have believed him. It was my turn now. "I, Magnus Chase," I began, "swear on behalf of Alex Fierro, vouching for her honesty and fighting for her honor."

       Honestly, I was feeling more and more stupid with every passing moment. Alex didn't need anyone to fight for her honor. I wondered if she just wanted to see me get a whooping. Trust me, the only thing more embarrassing than having your girlfriend watch you lose a fight is having a pretty girl in a dress laugh at your outfit. "Are you both ready?" Odin asked.

     "Of course," Utgard-Loki said, sounding as confident as a berserker.

     "Yes," I said, my voice squeakier than I liked.

    "Begin!" Odin said, dropping his hands.

     Utgard-Loki flew at me. His stick smacked against my shoulder first and then slapped my cheek. He wielded the stick as if it were a sword, jabbing me in the stomach and pretending to slice me with it. I couldn't land a blow on him. He was moving too fast and honestly, I wished this was a fight with words rather than with weapons. Utgard-Loki sensed my weakness. "You're not fighter," he said. "You're even more of a coward than your mother."

      The mention of my mother sent a white hot blaze of anger through my body. Not knowing what I was doing, I moved my arm. To my surprise, his stick went flying and mine with it. They tumbled through the air before landing in a clump of bushes thirty feet away. Utgard-Loki looked at me in shock. His skin was unblemished with blows, but it I, the bruised and battered Magnus, who Odin declared the winner.

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