A Return to Normalcy

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December 10

   It was strange going back to school after OSS. I was afraid of what people would say about me, so my mind was as organized and efficient as the IRS when my mother dropped me off at school. As I entered the school, I had a sense of dèja vu. This felt like the first day of school in a way — the same sort of nervousness was prickling my skin as I went to the attendance office.

    Hunding helped check me in. I gave him a chocolate bar (all first aid kits should include one). "Kid," he said. "I don't know if OSS made you have a revelation, but thank you. I really appreciate this. You're good to go now."

     "No prob," I said.

    As I left the attendance office, I heard Helgi berating Hunding again about the margins being 1/8th of an inch off. Seriously, this guy deserved a well-funded 401K, ample vacation time, a month of sick leave, and an early retirement. I don't know how he put up with such an abusive coworker.

Odin began English class with this announcement: "Remember: your papers are due this following Friday."

"Great," I said. "Essays are my favorite."

Luckily, he didn't catch the sarcasm (or he decided to ignore it. We continued to discuss Pride and Prejudice. Since I had been in OSS, I'd had to write discussion posts on Canvas and respond to my friends' ones. I had made really good points about the English not being modern and Mr. Darcy being really into Elizabeth's eyes.

Going back to an in-person discussion was honestly refreshing. We discussed Lydia Bennet's elopement to George Wickham and the Bennet parents' favoritism. "I think it's really unhealthy," Sam said, "especially for Mrs. and Mr. Bennet to have such clear favorites."

"They could all use some family therapy," TJ agreed.

    Why was everyone bringing up therapy these days? It was stalking me everywhere. I swear, if some deity actually existed they'd probably be laughing their butts off right now. Oh well, maybe everyone needs some therapy.

      I was pleased with my progress in Ceramics. I had finished shaping both of the works now and they were ready to be glazed. I started by choosing the most banana-like yellow I could find; my father was going to love this. "You know what?" Halfborn said. "Your banana holder reminds me of the man with the yellow hat from Curious George."

"Man, I loved watching that growing up," TJ said.

"My favorite show was Myth Busters," I said. "Oh, and Bill Nye the Science Guy. My fourth grade science teacher taught us almost exclusively through worksheets and Bill Nye videos."

"Sounds like they really didn't know what they were teaching," Mallory said.

I shrugged. It wasn't like my fourth-grade science teacher had much of a lasting impact on me. I couldn't even remember their name; I just knew they spent most of their class time on the phone trying to sell mineral water to people. "Have you guys applied for college yet?" Jack asked.

"Nope and I don't plan to," Alex said.

"You should," Halfborn advised. "You might change and your mind and besides, campus visits count as excused absences."

"Alright," Alex decided. "I'm doing that this week.

She turned her bright gaze to me. "Have you applied yet, Magnus?"

I nodded. "My parents helped me with the applications and stuff. I still have to apply for scholarships though."

"You should look into Asgard University," Sam suggested. "They're in-state, so the tuition will be cheaper."

"I've never heard of there," I said.

"They're a small private college," Sam said.

"They probably won't have a good nursing program then," I worried.

Sam shook her head. "They work with a local hospital, so their program seems excellent. The class sizes are smaller than you'd get at most schools, and they also offer pathways to make your own degree if they don't offer what you want to study."

"Even Broadway acting?" Jack asked.

"They have a theatre program," Sam said.

"Are you being paid to promote them?" I joked.

Sam rolled her eyes. ""No, I've just been looking into it for the flight school and I thought we could all try to go to the same college . . . So we can stay friends."

"Wherever we go, we'll still be friends," TJ declared.

"And you'll always be my sister," Alex said.

     "You all are getting too sentimental for me," Mallory said.

    We laughed and I felt some of the tension between us ease. Truthfully, the idea of college was scary. Not only would it mean starting over (again), but I'd probably have to meet new people who might not like me. "I think I'll take your suggestion," I told Sam. "If nothing else, we could all go on a tour there together."

     "Sign me up," Jack said.

      "And me," Alex said. "I'd love to get out of this prison for even a day."

    "I mean, we did get out for three days," I said.

     Alex sighed. "Three blissful days. I never want to do regular PE again. I hate it when Coach Thor makes us do burpees."

    Sam cleared her throat. "You might want to keep quiet, sister," she cautioned. "Sif is married to Coach Thor after all."

      "Whoops," Alex said. "I'm just going to get back to glazing."

     It was quiet for a bit and then, "You know," Halfborn said. "It is our senior year. You know what that means?"

     "Senior skip day!" Mallory said.

      "College applications," Sam said.

       "Senior class prank," Alex chimed in.

        "Prom!" Jack chirped, making jazz hands.

         "The senior banquet," TJ said.

     Halfborn facepalmed. "How come you all forgot about graduation? We're getting out diplomas this year!"

     "Yeah," I said. "Thirteen years of state-sanctioned torture will finally be paid off."

     "You," Jack said, poking me in the side. "Are really Mr. Optimist today."

    "Magnus has a point," Alex said. "Everyone's school experiences are different. Some of us have been more lucky than others."

    "My shorty is right," I said.

      "Girlfriend," Alex corrected.

        "Paramour?" I suggested back.

       She rolled her eyes. "Forgive me o wise dictionary."

     "The girl with the serpent tattoo and the boy who was once a dictionary," Sam said. "Sounds like a romance novel."

    My face heated. "Nah, my story would be more lame and less lovey-dovey."

     "Yeah, Magnus is about as romantic as ash," Alex deadpanned.

      Jack frowned. "You don't think ash is romantic?"

     "Anything can be romantic if you make it such," Halfborn said.

     I smiled and shook my head, silently laughing. I was so lucky to have such great friends.

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