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Simon pov:

"You like this hotel?" I smiled to Harry.

"Yea it's amazing, I would of rather stayed with Vik though" He laughed but confessed that it was a joke which made me happy again.

We were on teams doing this video for a sidemen sunday and it was basically about staying in good and expensive hotels vs bad and cheap hotels for a night. Me and Harry were on the bad team but I didn't mind it since it was a normal one you get if you're with a family or so.

"Can we go clubbing now pleaseee?" He begged and I didn't really fancy those but Harry didn't stop begging so I had to.

"Fine.. only for you though." I chuckled and he grabbed my hand.

"Lets go minter!"

"I told you to stop calling me that!!"

"Oh I must of not heard you then.. my bad" He winked at me and I rolled my eyes with a smirk. Such a dork..


"TOBIIII" I noticed him with JJ and I hugged him.

"SIIII" he laughed and hugged back.

"You gooddd?"

"Definitely, you have to try this!"

"Sorry man but I don't drink.."

"Aw come on, just a sip?"

"Ugh go on then.." He convinced me so I took a small sip and it was already strong, making me nearly gag.

"That's our boy!" Harry grinned and he took a full shot.

"Hold on... this is hella strong." He added with his eyes opened wide.

"Says the one who apparently takes drugs." Laughed JJ.

"Those are stupid rumours! Unless..." Harry smirked.

"Where's the others?" I asked.

"Ethan's with a girl and Vik and Josh stayed at their hotel."

"Boring.. wait did you say Ethan was with a girl?! Go on lad!" Harry cheered and some people looked at him.


"Weirdo" I muttered with a smile

"I heard that Simon!" He nudged me.


"Weak." He muttered.

I laughed at that and decided to go back to my hotel. I told the guys I was just going to get air but I hated the loud noise, it was a headache and a pain in the ass.

"Okay bye Si!" Tobi smiled and so did the others, I waved back at them.


The hotel was messy with food that me and Harry have been eating but mostly redbull and water.

An hour had gone past already and I was going to take a rest until the door went.

"Who could that be?" I muttered not thinking if it was Harry because he dances for hours at clubs.

"Simonnnn.. baby" There stood Harry, whispering in my ear and slowly made his way inside our hotel.

"Harry? What are you doing?" I raised an eyebrow.

"I want you S-simoN.." He smirked and pulled off my shirt.

"No... no. This is wrong." I pushed him off me but I turned around and bit my lip. He was attractive.. but I can't do anything like this when he's drunk because he doesn't mean it really.

"I don't caReeEe, I'm desperate for you baby.. god ur so hotttt" He licked his lips and planted kisses on my neck.

The feeling was so good and I tried to remove him off me still but I gave up after a while as he was like a drug. I was addicted to it.

"Fuck it." I said and told him to jump so his legs were around me and I was carrying him.

I pushed him against the wall with him still holding onto me and I kissed down his neck, leaving a hickey.

"S-simon..." he groaned as I kissed him while taking off his shirt.

I started to go down and kiss his chest too while he soon took over and pushed me to the bed so that I was lying on it.

"My turn" he bit his lip and smirked.

He took off my trousers and ran his hand along my boxers, teasing me alot. I groaned at the touch and I wanted more so I begged.

"B-baby please"

"Sorry what was that?" He winked.

I sat up and wrapped my hand around his neck while I slid my tongue into his mouth and fully made out with him, I could see that Harry was enjoying it so much. When I pulled away, he gave me a sad puppy look.

"You'll get something better don't worry cutie." I whispered into his ears.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I refuse to write smut, never again 😳 if you want to see that, go to the chapter 'his servant' 😅

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