The coffee place

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Harry works at this coffee place which loads of people love. Simon goes there for the first time when Harry is working and just as he finally gets his drink, it's already his favourite place. Will he come here often than normal now? Is it also to see the worker? He isn't quite sure anymore.

"Hey Simon!" Someone called my name.

"Cal? What are you doing in town?" I asked confused.

"Im going to this coffee shop which is the best. You should come with me" calfreezy smiled.

"I don't know.. I might hate it" I shrugged.

"Hate it? Trust me you will love it!"

"Hm.. I mean I'm not doing anything so, sure" I gave in and walked off with Cal next to me.

"It's definitely an eleven out of ten, that's how amazing it is" he dreamed about it and I just stood there weirded out slightly.

"Well okay you weird coffee lover"

"You'll understand" he smirked.


Finally, we took a stop and I looked around the area of the place inside. It was so gorgeous already and the seats looked comfortable as some had booths and some just soft chairs.

"How is it so pretty and why do I like it?"

"Aha see! You're a fan" Cal grinned.

"Again, maybe."

"Hello there! Do you want anything?" One of the workers smiled. I noticed his eyes and they looked like they were sparkling as he looked at us with a big smile.

"Yes please. I'd like a hot chocolate with whipped cream and you harry?" Cal asked me.

"Uh.. I'll just have a normal coffee please" I smiled a bit as I told what I wanted to the person. They nodded and made us the drinks carefully. He was pretty good at this and knew what they were doing, I wonder how long they've been working for.

"Okay that will be £5 altogether" Cal handed the money and I was glad I wasn't paying this time.

We both sat down at a booth from each other and talked about random things before getting our drinks. Sooner than I expected, the guy came to our table with the drinks in his hands. He gave a smile again and then looked at me to make sure I was happy with it as I took a sip.

"Is that alright?"

"It's amazing! Thank you" I smiled to the person and they walked off to their place again.

"Told you" Cal winked.

"Damn I never knew you could finally be right with something.." I laughed and he slightly punched me in the arm at what I said.

I slowly took more sips until it was all gone. It was so different to all of my other coffees I had and I love it. The hot drink was still in me and it made me want more just thinking of it.

"Are you ready to go?"

"Wait hold on before we do" I walked to the person who made me this and did something which I'd never really do.

"Do you need anything else?" He raised an eyebrow as he saw me again.

I took out my cash that I had on me before I met Cal and gave another £5 just because it was so good.

"Oh sir, you don't have to." I saw on his name-tag that his name was Harry and I decided to take note on that next time.

"Please take it, I never had anything like this, its like heaven!" I smiled.

"Just do whatever with it and keep it safe, it's all yours" I added.

"Thank you. Here take this as being a lovely person." He handed me a gift card and placed the money I gave him somewhere.

"I'll definitely be coming again if this starts happening" I laughed and he chuckled at what I said.

"I hope you do." Harry smiled.

"Simon? Can we go now" Cal said, getting impatient.

"Oh yeah sorry! Bye Harry" I said to the worker.

"Uh yeah bye" Harry smiled with a wave.

"Do you know that person?" Another worker said to Harry.

"No but he seems kind."


Next day

"Where are you going?" JJ asked me.

"Just town again"

"I swear you went yesterday" he laughed.

"I didn't get to go to many places but I'll be back soon"

"Okay, can you get me something please while you're there?" he smiled and told me what he wanted.


I left my apartment and soon exited the building. Thank god that place isn't far from where I live because I would be tired of walking. Some steps later, I was there and I smiled before going in.

"Hello sir" a worker waved.

"Is Harry in today?" I asked hoping to see him.

"No why?"

"Oh okay, never mind." I sighed and decided to just get a snack today that they do.

"That will be £1" the lady smiled.

"Thank you" I said before going to a seat.

"Sorry I'm late.." Harry entered with his work uniform on.

"Oh Harry! I thought you weren't coming today?" The lady raised her eyebrow.

"I need the money so I decided to just work another day" he laughed.

As soon as I saw him, I smiled, just because he was a nice guy and seemed so friendly. Is it weird to get to know him more? Well he'll find it more weird if I ever said that to him.

"Oh you again?" He stopped as he saw me and smiled.

"I guess so" I let out a small laugh.

"What made you come here again hm?"

"Yo- the amazing coffee of course! I was too tired and it sure helps."

"Oh that's good. Well feel free to come any day" Harry patted me on the shoulder and I looked up at him nervously. Why was I feeling like this? I never felt like this when it came to any worker.

"I will, thank you.."

"Here" He whispered and handed me a piece of paper, I looked at it confused.

"Wait what?" My face went red from being a bit shy.

"Text me, It's obvious you want to know me" he smiled.

"How do you know that?"

"The way you look at me and how you're so polite. Especially from giving me that money, nobody did that."

"Oh I was just having a good day but I mean you're really nice so I admit that I do wanna know you." I smiled back.

"Im glad because I do too."

"Harry! You need to get back to work." The lady shouted.

"Im coming!"

"Bye" he waved at me.

"B-bye.." I said quietly.

Well that was weird.. I didn't expect that, although I do have a big smile on my face now. Maybe we could be friends like I am with the sidemen. It can't be that weird to get to know someone who works here already because I do badly.

That's the day that I met my amazing best friend of mine, from a beautiful coffee place he works at. Wanna know something else that is beautiful? Him.

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