The Plane crash..

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Harry and Simon have been friends for over 10 years now. All of the sidemen have planned a holiday to go to (yes another holiday 😂) and they were at the airport waiting for the plane with excitement. This was a big holiday and they didn't want anything to ruin it until something they never expected happened which lead them in tears...

Get ready for a sad one 😔👉👈

"You're not playing minecraft again there are you..?" JJ said in disgust but laughed aswell as Vik had such a minecraft obsession.

"So what? Atleast I'm not a player in real life." He made a joke and it turned out to be WOW.

"Jesus christ.. damn" I laughed.

"Ouch!" JJ put his hand to his heart and looked down.

"Okay I'm sorry" Vik laughed and hugged JJ which made him smile.

"Aww kstar!" I shouted out.

"Wtf Harry?!" JJ was disgusted again.

"Now you made it weird for both of them" Simon laughed at me while putting his hand on my shoulder.

"Oops??" I smirked at Vik and JJ.


"He I- he just used what he says on reddit videos tf" Simon bursted out in laughter and so did I.

"Omg look our flight is now boarding!" Tobi pointed to where it says the flights and we all quickly made it to the plane with our suitcases. I stared at Simon's 2 suitcases and laughed as he brought too much.

"It's important stuff!!" He said.

"Yeah yeah okay" I chuckled.

"Sit next to me" he patted on the airplane seat and I sat down with a smile as he looked at me all happy now.

"I'm just gonna watch spongebob so don't mind me" Tobi grinned and put his headphones in because he had a mini tv infront of him.

"I'll just talk to you" I said to Simon.

"Oh I'm boring so good luck with that"

"You're not boring to me and if you ever were I would of said it by now!"

"Really? Wow.. then I'm impressed with myself because you never said I was through these 10 years" He smiled.

"Exactly! You're amazing." I smiled at the thought of that because he was the one I could trust more than all of the others. Yeah I love them all but I felt more comfortable with Simon around if that makes sense? He makes me less scared about stuff and I appreciate that.

"I can say the same to you boggo" he laughed and I laughed with him before going to sleep.

Suddenly, I felt the plane going down like a rollercoasted and my eyes shot open so quickly as I panicked because I had no idea what was going on.

"We will sort this out dont worry!" The people controlling the plane shouted but they weren't really doing anything.

"Shit it's going down more.." Simon got scared too and shivered.

"I'm so scared Simon." I hugged him and nearly cried.

"Oh Harry.." he hugged me back and prayed for the best.

"I DON'T WANNA DIE!!" JJ freaked out.

"What's going on? I'm watching spongebob" Tobi took his headphones off and got surprised real quick to see the plane now going down so fast.

Suddenly, I passed out as the plane hit to the ground and everyone basically passed out too. I was the only one to be awake and I noticed that I had bruises on me as I saw a mirror and stared at myself in. I shook Simon to see if he was gonna wake up but no answer..


No answer.



"S-SIMON?!" I started to get more and more worried everytime I called his name.

"W-what.." he slowly said.

"Omg simon! You had me worried for a second.." I let out a sigh of relief.

"Listen bog.. I-I dont think Im gonna m-make it." He breathed heavily.

"Wait what...? Y-you have to. YOU HAVE TO SIMON!" I screamed.

"I-I can't. Not like this, I mean just look at me!" He was badly injured and I was shaking so much, you could just tell from my hands.

"Please try.. don't give up okay!" My eyes started to get weak and watery.

"I want to but It's no use.. no matter how hard I try, I'm still in pain." He sighed and I noticed his eyes closing.

"Simon listen! I-I love you."


"I-I love you too H-Harry."

His eyes closed and I thought he was asleep again for a second but when I went to touch him.. he wasn't breathing at all.

"SIMON! NO... N-NO!" I screamed and tears fell from my face.

"What's going on?" JJ woke up and yawned with his face obviously messed up too.

"Ew I look like a mess.."

"Wait why are you crying Harry? He's okay!" JJ said coming over to me.

"Okay? Does this look okay to you?!" I shouted and grabbed JJ's arm and put it on Simon's body.

"Simon..? HE CAN'T BE DEAD!" JJ was crying too now.

"I wish that was true.." I sighed and wished that I was the one who died.

All of the boys were up now and they were confused too until they eventually found out like JJ did.

"Fuck you Airplane! Why did you have to ruin this.. my best friend is now dead.. I-I can't believe it." Josh yelled.

"He's the reason I laughed and smiled alot.. and now he's gone." I cried even more.

"How are we gonna get back home though?" Vik asked.

"Fuck knows Vik! But don't you wanna care aboht your best friend? He's dead afterall.." JJ got annoyed.

"I know.. I was just saying."

"Can you guys stop! I don't wanna hear another word about him being dead because it makes me worse." I looked down at him and I put his body in my lap. I slowly smiled and started to cry again.

"We'll give you some alone time" Tobi slightly smiled.

"Simon.. I never got to tell you that I loved you more than a friend. Nobody knew I was gay and you were the only one I told. Although, I never told you I had feelings for you and now I just regret it. I wish I could of shared more moments with you Si because you're such a lovely guy and honestly the best. Those people who hate you can go fuck themselves because you're the most special person I met. Im so glad I got to be apart of your life and you apart of mine." I whispered into his ear.

I got some tissues from my pocket and wiped my eyes. I never expected someone so special to go so quick especially today.. what a day huh? It sure doesn't even feel like a day, more like a nightmare. I hope you're looking down on me Simon because I'm still proud of you, always have been all my life. I just wish there was a god right now that made you alive again because that sure would be god damn nice.

Okay I have to admit, I cried 😭 It's just the thought of one of them being dead..

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