Truth or Dare

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Where Someone dares Simon and this dare could change his whole life... so many emotions were on the way and he still didn't know a single thing yet until he apparently has to fake a relationship with a guy. Would he be interested enough in him? Well he can't mess this up anyways since it's a Dare. (Bad description oh my)

"It's Simon's go now" Laughed a girl who I was sitting next to at a random ass party.

"Me? I'll pass on this one." I tried to tell them I didn't wanna play.

"Oh come on man! You only live once." Will (willne) said.

".. fine" I shrugged and waited for someone to ask me 'truth or dare?'

"Truth or dare Simon Minter?" Grinned Gib.


"I dare you too..." he thought for a long time until he finally spoke again.

"Pretend to date that guy over there for a week." Gib pointed to a lonely guy sitting on a chair on his phone and I just sighed. I'm not into guys, not even that loser.


"Easy" I smirked but I knew it wasn't goimg to be

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"Easy" I smirked but I knew it wasn't goimg to be.

"Great, go on then." The girl nudged me.

"Now? Uh.. okay." I walked up to the guy and waved slowly as I was kinda nervous for a response from him.

"Hey?" He raised an eyebrow.

"The names Simon, you?" I smiled. That might of been a fake one as I am doing that dare afterall..

"Harry." He smiled back and shook my hand.

I poured him a drink and he quickly shook his head, passing it back.

"I don't drink."

"Oh. It's not that bad! Give it a try.. please?"

A few seconds later, he took the cup and drank all of it in one go, I was impressed.

"What happened to the 'I don't drink' part?" I silently laughed.

"Yikes.. well I did in the past but I had to stop because it was getting too much for m-me." He stuttered on his words and I was confused. What did he go through?

"I hope you're okay now."

"Im all good, thank you" he smiled and it was beautiful. His teeth were all straight and basically shining.



"Why did you come up to me?"

"Wait why are you asking that for?" I asked.

"You hang out with those people.. they aren't the nicest to me." Harry pointed to my friends and I had to make up a lie.

"They forced me to do their homework for them and bullied me aswell.." My voice was low to make it seem more real and he believed it which was a relief.

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