The shy boy

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This photo in the media is perfecto 🥺

Harry is the person who is so shy at school and well people make fun of him for it... until this one boy stands up for him and leaves his own group for it as it gets out of control. That's how they both became friends 🥴 long ass chapter so get ready boys and girls or whatever you are 😎

"Hey I'm Harry! you may know me from school.. that 'shy boy' well.. I wanted to be confident for once and start this channel! I hope you guys stay for it because I know some won't" I said to the camera with a smile. My first time ever doing youtube and I have no idea on what to do next if I'm being honest.

"Ugh school.." I sighed as I got ready but suddenly received a notification from my phone which made me more interested than preparing for school.

Lol but who asked? - RandomUser

Seems like shite content already 😹😹 - Soniclover69 (idk-)

"Eh oh well." I shrugged and I was a little disappointed that none of them were nice. Is this what youtube is like nowadays? I swear it was much nicer than this..

"Ew he looks awful today!" Shouted a student.

"Hey kid, did you even have a shower?" They laughed.

"Leave him the fuck alone." Vik took off his glasses and he was pissed. That's my best friend for you, I introduce you Vikkstar123!!

"What are you gonna do about it nerd?" They pretended to spit at him and I really felt bad for Vik right now.

"Guys I think that's enough.." a person from that nasty group said.

"So you like them now? Pfft.. are you blind or something? You're better than this, Simon Minter." That annoying girl who uses way too much makeup with her chatty mouth said. She has to be the worst person here because she thinks shes all 'perfect' in your dreams luv.

"No I just think you're being too harsh. I mean they are ugly and all that but we bully them everyday! Let's give it a break."

"Okay, Loser." They all laughed.

"Whatever, guys." He rolled his eyes and they all went somewhere else.

"You okay?" Vik asked me as he does always.

"The same I guess, I started a youtube channel, don't tell anyone" I whispered and Vik was shocked.

"Omg no! You're gonna beat me in subs" he panicked but laughed at the same time.

"Doubt that! Im so shy. I'm so different than you because you can actually speak to people"

"You will get there one day, Bog." He patted my shoulder and I sighed again.

"I hope so, I really do." I muttered.

"I need the money afterall.. for my family." I said in my head as they were struggling and I hated that. I wanted them happy for ages now so it would be great.

"Alright class! Get out your books and write the date and title. I expect no talking!" The teacher smiled.

I finished what was on the board and stared at people. Obviously they all had to be good looking and I wasn't, it was unfair and I couldn't help but feel jealous. The best looking boy in our class is Simon and yes.. I agree with the girls because who wouldn't? That doesn't mean I love him because god.. I hate him so much like the rest of the group.

"SIMON! STOP TALKING TO BECKY" Well the teacher isn't smiling anymore as you can tell..

"Oooo Simonn, someone is staring at you" she winked and pointed to me. That girl that I said was the worst well that's her.

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