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Okay this is a sad and cute chapter because I don't wanna make a whole sad chapter again otherwise it will be emotional even though this probably will be again😭😂

Simon and Harry are 14 in this book and are in school together. (fun fact: that's my age ;) ) They have basically been friends since they've been born. Throughout this time, both of them have been so close and adored each other alot as friends. Until all of that disappears as something terrible happens to Harry. Is there a way to fix it all? No one knows.. not even Simon.. will he ever come back? They hope.

"Ugh school.." I woke up from my alarm going off which made an annoying and horrible sound.

My school uniform was at the end of my bed as I was too lazy to even hang it up. I did the buttons on my shirt and slowly put on my tie while sighing a bit. School is just the worst.. why would anyone like it? Definitely not me that's all I know.

"Simon!! You better be ready for school." My mum shouted.

"I am mum." I rolled my eyes as she started complaining on me almost being late again. I didn't even realise the time at this point.

"You can eat your toast on the way" she smiled and handed me one that had warm and melted butter all over it. It still smelled really good which made my stomach rumble.

"Thanks" I gave a small smile.

"Also sort out your hair please. You look like a mess right now." She laughed.

"Oh great..."

I put a hand through my hair and sorted that 'mess' I was in and quickly left my house. I decided to walk today instead of getting a lift by the bus as it probably already went past anyways.

"I hate people" I muttered and kicked some rubbish on the ground.

"So do I" I heard a voice beside me and I looked up to see who it was.

"Harry!" I hugged him.

"Woah chill.." Harry laughed at me being weird.

"Sorry.. I guess I'm just excited to see you"

"I can clearly see that, cmon let's walk quicker."

Harry was much faster than me which was annoying as I had to catch up by alot. My poor, poor legs.

"Wait for me!!" I shouted.

"Gotta catch me first" He winked and ran really fast which made my eyes shot open. How is he so quick?! My weak self can't relate to running fast.

"You know what.. I give up" I laughed.

We were finally at the school gates and surprisingly we weren't late at all. I entered the first class we had with Harry which was Maths and the first thing I saw was the other Sidemen which made me smile so much, I missed those boys even if I saw them yesterday.

"Jide, Vik!" I waved to the boys that were the closest to me.

"Oh hey Simon!" Vik waved back with his glasses on for reading.

"Hey Si" JJ laughed.

"Stop talking you three!" The teacher (woman) noticed.

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