Messing with someone new.

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Not going to do descriptions anymore as I'm trash at that 😂

"What are you thinking about?" I flinched as Tobi wrapped his arms around me.

"N-nothing!" I quickly shut my phone off as I been staring at some of my photos.. especially the ones with Simon in.. my ex.

I miss him so badly and I don't know why I ever broke up with him, I regret it... that was one of my biggest mistakes ever. I don't even love Tobi like this, he's an amazing best friend but dating him? It's not the same like me and Simon were..

"Hm okay" he kissed my forehead and I just faked a smile. I don't want Tobi to know that I miss him again.. but I can't stay with him for any longer if I'm just going to lie all the time.

"I'm gonna make dinner for us!" Tobi shouted from the other room.

"Sounds perfect.. babe."

My phone went off which was a notification from instagram about Simon posting a photo.

My phone went off which was a notification from instagram about Simon posting a photo

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Great.. another photo with his boyfriend. I sighed as the likes and comments increased by alot everytime and I wanted to just be in his arms but he was with someone else too. Why does life have to be this way?! I felt my hoodie sleeve and it was wet from my tears, I'm crying again fuck.

"What's wrong?!" Tobi rushed to me.



"I need to tell you something." I looked down on the floor in guilt.

"You can tell me anything, I just want you okay" he smiled.

"I haven't been honest with you.."

"What do you mean?"

"I lied.. I still think about Simon."

"Simon?! I thought you got over him already! It's been so long and you were lying to me the whole time?!" Tobi was so angry.

"I-I-I can explain."

"How long have you been thinking about him then?"

"Uh... ever since I got with you to now." I looked away in shame. Why did I say that.

"What a waste of time. Well have fun with him then" he slapped me across the face and I touched it in pain. He just left and I assumed that meant we were done and I didn't know what to feel. All I had on my mind lately was his smile.. Simon's stubbornness, his laugh.. god I hate myself for losing him like that. I'm so useless.

"I keep losing people.." I cried to myself.

Instagram messages

Hey Simon.. it's been a while huh? Well I just wanted to tell you that me and Tobi broke up.. I know you won't care but oh well 🤷🏼‍♂️


It took ages and I was losing hope that he wouldn't reply until my phone went off again.

Hi.. I'm sorry that happened to you Harry because you know what.. I kinda did miss talking to you.

Are you joking? I thought you would be so mad still.

Well yes that too.. but we can be friends right? :)

'Friends'.. I don't think I could get used to that Simon. God I wanna tell him how badly I love him still and I wanna kiss those beautiful lips of his. I miss calling him mine and those mornings in bed together. please come back Simon..

Simon's pov:

"Who are you talking to?" JJ grabbed my phone off me and looked at my messages to Harry.

"Him?! Didn't I tell you to not talk to him, Si?" He shouted and I immediately got scared. Why was he always like this towards me.. he's never like this with anyone else.

"We are only friends! I don't want anything else with him don't worry." I sighed.

"This doesn't look like it, I swear to god.. if you are cheating on me I'll kill that boy." He glared.

"I-I okay.." I wasn't brave enough to say anything else to JJ and just left it all alone.

"Good, you can have your phone back." He handed it to me and I said thank you whilst he was still mad.

The worst part was.. I'm starting to miss having Harry around ever since he messaged me then. It was so much better than my relationship right now because this one is just toxic.. I love you Harold. I just don't know what to do yet... I'll be with you again soon If you ever feel the same way.

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