The night I met him

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Harry isn't a part of the sidemen in this and all of the other boys including Simon go to this club where people drink and dance to the weirdest songs. Simon notices one person in particular and wants to know more about them until the person catches Simon staring and comes closer towards the guys and him. Simon notices more of his beauty as he's now close to him. Is he already in love with a stranger?

Me and the boys were on holiday again for a little treat as we all deserved a break and some fun time together. I always hated to be the only person with the camera around because I felt like the others find it annoying but they really didn't, I guess I just love to vlog for my fans as they really love my videos. However, I put down the camera and got ready for a night out at the club, I looked really formal with a suit on but it actually looked nice on me.

"Simon you ready?" JJ called.

"Jeez someone is impatient" I laughed as I walked over to the boys.

"Hahah funny." He rolled his eyes and we all left. Meanwile on the other hand, Ethan was all excited and I swear he was drunk on air if that existed.

"BOYSS I'M GONNA GET A HUGE HANGOVER BUT WHO FUCKING CARES" he shouted and we all shook our heads with a smile as we found Ethan so weird.

"Do you need water already?" I chuckled as we entered the club and there was so many people getting wild and so many flashing lights everywhere.. it was hard to keep up to be honest.

"Tobi they are playing your intro song!!" JJ screamed in his fan girl voice.

"wait wait what?!" He covered his mouth with his hands and quickly got up and danced to the song.

"W-w-work it! Work it, work it Tobi!!" We all randomly said.

After his little dance, we all started clapping and he bowed with a smile but something distracted me and I don't know how. My eyes stared at this boy as he laughed next to a girl which seemed like it was his girlfriend. They both danced together and I smiled as it was cute, sadly I'm single so I can't relate. (Pretend he is ok :,) )

"Harry!" She laughed.

"Im the best brother to you, nobody would else dance as amazing like this" he did some weird dances for sure.

I laughed watching them and I realised how loud that was while all the boys looked at me funny. I felt embarrassed and tried making up an excuse but in the end I knew it wouldn't work.

"Right.. tell us the real reason why you laughed! Is it because of a girl..." JJ winked.

"I told you I don't love any girls at the moment!" I said.

"Well not any girls at all.." I muttered as that meant I was gay.

"What did you say?" Josh raised an eyebrow.

"No wonder you're old Josh, you can't hear a single thing!" Ethan stated.

"Oi that's mean!" Josh pushed Ethan and Ethan did his chicken laugh again like always.

My eyes kept looking up and down the mysterious boy and I couldn't help but bite my lip as he had great style and his hair was nicely done.

"Harry I think someone is staring at you.." The girl pointed at me.

"Shit!" I tried hiding but that failed again.

"Hello?" He came up to me and I got nervous as I didn't know what to say.

"Hey" I just said with a smile.

"Is everything okay? I hope you don't like my sister or we will be having issues.."

"No no! I didn't think you guys were siblings.. I actually thought you two were cute"

"Haha, well who were you staring at?" He smirked.

I could feel all the boys looking at us as we talked and I just felt so on the spot right now because they weren't even talking to each other. It was all silent except me and this guy I haven't met before.

"Who was I staring at? Well.. normally I always stare at art because it's beautiful in my opinion and I guess that's what you are." I said but regretted it immediately as he looked at me with a shocked face until he started to go red..

"Aw that's clever and also very cute." He smiled.

"ahem stop flirting" JJ coughed.

"What the fuck JJ?" I looked at him weirdly.

"Jeez sorry"

"Well looks like I better get going now, Here take my number" he took my phone and entered in his phone number. I didn't know how to react at all because I got lost into his gorgeous golden eyes that were like stars in the night sky.

"I- okay sure, bye!" I blinked and waved at him.

"Simon's in love!!"

"Can I not have a friend?" I laughed.

"Doesn't look like friends to me" Tobi smirked.

"Well.. he does look interesting I must say." I caught myself thinking about him again and he really did seem like a great guy. I would love to get to know him better.

New message from **********

Hey its me from the club :) Thought I'd text you early because I'm bored

Hi again 😂 Do you wanna meet up tomorrow? I know that's a bit too soon but you can always say no if you want 🤷🏼‍♂️

I'd love to. My name is Harry by the way or you can just call me whatever

Well Harry, I'm calling you Haz because that sounds amazing!

I had a huge smile on my face and I just wanted to keep talking to this person since I was now glued to my phone and carried on talking to Harry.

Why am I so attached to him though?

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