'Im proud of you' part 2

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Harry pov this time since I ran out of ideas very quickly 😹

Simon was everything to me. The best person to speak to when you felt down and just wanted to talk about random things. He always listened and never had a problem with what I say, I honestly love that. That's what a special person should do and well he's my special person.

"Harry?" He called my name.

"Yes Si?"

"Can you stay with me tonight?"

"Oh.. why?" I asked but I didn't mind it really.

"I won't be able to sleep otherwise especially since you been all sad today."

"Aw Simon.. of course but where do I sleep?"

"You can sleep on that mini sofa I have" he pointed to where it was in his room.

"Ah looks decent enough, thanks" I smiled.

"Hey are you okay though?"

"Oh yeah Don't worry Harry. It's just classic Ethan thinking he's tough all the time and now I can see why." He laughed. I felt so bad all over again because he looked like he was in such pain. Yet nobody seemed to care in this house but me...

"Im sleeping in your bed, I don't trust you."

"Wait what? Won't that be a little bit weird for the both of us?"

"I won't do any weird stuff if that's what you're worried about!"

"Actually, I'd like for you to be here next to me. It will make me happy" Simon smiled.

"Plus if you ever want a cuddle, just let me know" I winked.

"You give the best ones anyways so sure"

"Okay well save some room for me then slender!" I pushed him out of the way slightly and he just laughed.

"Slender? damn what a hot name."

"Jeez it wasn't a compliment but okay"

"nah you're sleeping on the floor now"

"IM JOKINGGG" I screamed.

"Fine" he chuckled and let me stay in his bed again.

"This is cozy" I said as I rested my head on the pillow.

Simon turned the light out and it was all silent. I was the only one awake and yet I couldn't even sleep at all. Why? well Simon was just on my mind constantly and I don't know how he ended up there. He's such a great friend, I love him.

"Not sleepy?" He suddenly woke up causing me to jump out of my whole body.

"Eh.." I shrugged and tried closing my eyes.

"Come here." Simon patted a spot on the bed and I moved closer to him.

"Don't be scared" he laughed as I slowly went closer. He put an arm around me and my head was on his chest all comfortable.

"Is this better?"

"It is. How comes I'm so tired now?"

"I have powers" he smirked.

"You sure do." I smiled and closed my eyes.

"Don't ever give up on anything that comes in life okay boggo?" He whispered in my ear and touched the side of my head with a smile on his face.

"I'll stay strong for you Si" I smiled back as my eyes were still shut.


We both finally fell asleep and it was probably one of the best nights in a while as I got to spend time with an amazing guy. More than amazing I would say! If I ever lost Simon, I'll be living in a empty dead world because it will feel like nothing. Even nothing to live for anymore, he just makes me think positive and I love him so much.

Very  Short  chapter 😭

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