'I'm proud of you'

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Simon helps Harry as he fails to complete his dreams. The other boys expected him to give up but Simon didn't. He believed that Harry could still try and succeed in what he wanted. Simon won't let him just leave everything behind because he's with him.

"What are you doing today Harry?" I heard Ethan talking to Harry and I just sat on the couch with my phone in my hands, scrolling through the same old stuff.

"I don't really know.." he said silently.

"Wanna go somewhere?" I asked him as I looked up from my phone.

"Nah I think I'll just stay here"

"Okay" I smiled and went back to scrolling.

Harry went upstairs and I got confused, what's up with him today? I hope he's okay.

Out of nowhere, I heard someone crying and the boys didn't which was weird because it was obvious as it was so loud.

"Hold on" I said to the boys while going quickly up the stairs.

"Don't waste your time man." JJ said.


"Harry?" I knocked on his door a couple of times.

"Go away!" He screamed.

"Whats wrong buddy?" I opened the door slightly and went over to sit next to him on the small bed.

"Don't worry about it Simon"

"Please.. let me help"

"Whats there to do for you helping me? Its useless." He turned away from me.

"Hey don't say that! There's always a way" I turned him back around and he just sat there with a straight face.

"Why don't the others care?"

"Well they are just assholes right now." I got annoyed by the fact they didn't do anything.

"People hate me." He put his hands to his face.

"Who?! I'll hurt them if anyone did this to you and I'm not even joking around." My mood definitely changed to angry now.

"My family and people online. My family even admitted they don't care about me anymore Because of me being the worst person."

"Im sure they didn't really mean that.. maybe you guys just got into a silly arguement?" I tried to make him think positive but again it failed.

"They hit me Simon."

"Wtf?! That's messed up.. I don't even wanna know about the other stuff because I wanna make sure you're mostly okay from that!" I looked into his eyes and I could see that he was all broken inside just by looking at them.

"I mean it hurt but it wasn't that bad." He lied a little there.

"Stay brave okay? Because I know how smart and lovely you are." He rested his head on my shoulder and I smiled.

"I give up.. with everything." He muttered.

"Please don't say that. You have so much to live for but unfortunately it's not happening yet. Like I said, I'll help you boggo." I ran my hand through his hair.

"Are you done?" Josh shouted.

"Maybe I would be if you all cared!" I shouted back.

"He's like this all the time! What are we supposed to do?" Ethan spoke.

"Idk, care for him?!" I was really annoyed now.

"That's obviously your job, he trusts you more anyways! Don't get an attitude with us Simon." Josh said.

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