Why'd you only call me when your high?

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Im in love with this song ok 😔🤘this photo of Harry makes me feel so sad- 🥺 Let's hope he doesn't have covid or anything.

Simon pov:
It was 3 in the morning and Harry still wasn't back.. what a surprise. He always does this, he's probably high again.

"God pick up.." I rang his phone multiple times but still no answer until he texted me.

Hey baby ;)

Where the hell are you?!

At a club, wanna join me? x

Why'd you only call me when you're high? 😒 It's not good for you Haz.

Ofc it is! ☺️ and I'm not highhhh what are you on?!


I stopped texting him and began panicking all over again about him. I just hope nothing happens to Boggo, he's my everything. He's too addicted to this.. I need to change that quickly.

Suddenly, the door opened and Harry kissed my cheek repeatedly as he was all drunk and smelled a bit.

"Hey s-SiMon" he smirked.

"Go to bed Harry"


He crashed onto the floor and I sighed, picking him up and heading upstairs to his bed and mine.

"Don't leave me!!"

"Why?" I laughed.

"Because I love youuu"

He always says that to me even if he is drunk or not and I find it so cute but his eyes were all red and he should relax on the alcohol and drugs. Most of the time I don't know why he thinks of doing it..

"Love you too" I rolled my eyes and smiled.

Next day

"Ugh... Si" Harry woke up and rubbed his eyes.

"Im in pain." He touched his head.

"I told you! You never listen to me, it's not good for you Haz." I hugged him and he hugged back still touching his head and feeling light headed.

"I better rest more then huh?" He chuckled and closed his eyes as he fell back into bed.

"Sleep well again" I laughed and I saw a smile on Harry's face which made me smile too.

A/N: very short eek

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