The night I met him part 2

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I downed my drink which contained alcohol and I was impressed that I could even do that. Although, some spillage of it was on my lip and I wiped it off with my hand. The boys laughed at me as I made a disgusted face but it did make me want more eventually.

"Round 2 Simon?" Josh made a competition with me.

"You know what.. go on then" I laughed and took shots with Josh.

"I-I dont think I can take anymore" I felt myself getting more and more dizzy while my head was pounding.

"You don't look so good buddy, come on guys lets go back now" Vik said.

"Im staying here longer" JJ winked at one of the workers and I felt like puking even more from that.

"I'll help you" Tobi reached out for my arm but I shook my head.

"I think I can manage myself but thank you Tobi" I smiled and slowly walked out of the club.

"Ugh.. fuck." I touched my head as it got worse.

"Simon?" Harry raised an eyebrow and came closer to me. I didn't expect him to be around here still.

"I-I thought you had to go home?" I sounded so drunk right now and he could tell too.

"Omg you're a mess.. Im taking you to my place" he quickly picked me up in his arms and I jumped in shock but instantly started falling asleep as he put me in his car.

"Cute" He whispered in my ear as I was asleep.

Some long minutes later, we made it to a place where Harry was staying at and my eyes slowly opened as we got finally got inside.

"Ignore the state of the place but I'm sure you wouldn't care right now" he laughed and sorted me a place on the sofa.

"Uh thanks.." I smiled.

"Its no problem, do you need any ice or water?" He asked looking a tad bit worried.

"Yes please actually."

"Okay I'll be right back."

I stared at all of the stuff and admired it all. It was a cute place except for all of the mess but like Harry said, I don't really care as it wasn't that bad.

"Ah I see you like the place?" He laughed again and handed the ice for my head.

"Yeah it's amazing" I put the ice on my head and it made me better but not by much.

"It's my sisters place, im only staying for some nights as I don't get to see her much"

"Damn that sucks but then again same with my siblings."

I looked at him smiling and my cheeks started to turn red as he was adorable no matter what he did. He's like a drug that I'm addicted to and God damn im losing my mind for this guy. Suddenly as everything was all quiet, I smashed my lips onto his and his eyes widened but didn't stop me. I felt so drunk but at the same time, I meant everything.

"W-woah calm down there Simon" he awkwardly laughed.

"Oh god sorry.." I hid my face.

"No its fine! I wouldn't of liked it if I didn't kiss back."

He put an arm around me and I snuggled up closer to him with a big smile on my face and him too with a smile.

"You're cute too you know." Harry smiled at me as he ran a hand through my spiky blonde hair.

"Oh yeah? Well you're cuter" I grinned.

"Nope" he winked.

"I can't be asked to argue because of my stupid headache, so you win"

"Hell yes!"

Phone notifications on Simon's phone:

Are you alright?!

Bro where are you? We are all looking for you.

I hope you're not kidnapped or something 😳

All on gc

"Damn your phone is buzzing"

"Jeez they are really worried about me, I better get back" I said with my eyes widened.

"Okay I'll drive you there"

"Thank you so much again Haz" I smiled

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