Chapter Eight: The party 2/3

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Chapter Eight: The Party 2/3
Coles POV

I gave Brian a grin and he made a 'it's half decent' facial expression.

"Not bad. Not bad. I guess you're not useless after all." He teased and I stared at him with a blank expression before grabbing my belt and pretending to undo it.

"Alright. Knees. Now. Before I get angry."

Brian let out a laugh and checked his clock. "We should leave now. If we get there in an hour we will be decently late but not '20 minutes before the party ends' late." He murmured, quietly and in thought.

"Brian. Dude. Don't overthink it. We'll just go in, like the badasses we are and flaunt our shit. You look hot enough to get fucked tonight and I always look hot, so tonight will be a breeze. Just remember, cover your pickle before you do the devil's tickle."

Brian stared at me with a look of obvious confusion on his face. "What?"

"I dunno, it rhymed." I shrugged before I pat his shoulder. "What I'm saying Brian is: don't get a girl pregnant. You're too ugly to be a father."

He smacked my head and I laughed loudly.

"So let's go then?" He asked, and if he were in an anime there would be a very obvious vein coming out of his forehead.

I smiled, "Let's go."


"Cole. Can we call it quits and have that rare aesthetic moment at McDonalds?" Brian asked, chewing on his lower lip worriedly as we stared at the cars that lined up and down the street and the assortment of solo cups already out in the front lawn.

Megan Taylor's house, schools most popular cheerleader.

God Highschool cliches were actually the weirdest thing. Popular teenagers actually existed.

Isn't it weird? Imagine if you're thirty five and a 'popular cheerleader' in her forties came up to you.

What a fever dream that is.

"Dude come on. Let's go inside and shake that ass or... whatever straight people do." I said, placing a hand on his shoulder before looking worriedly at his extremely stressed face. "Are you okay?" I asked slowly and he sighed.

"I don't want to embarrass myself."

I sighed loudly. "Alright here's the thing. Embarrassment doesn't exist, you can't feel embarrassed if you don't believe in it." I winked, "Besides, if you do something embarrassing I'll do it twice as embarrassing and put the focus on me. Alright?"

He didn't answer.

"Seriously, if we walk in and you want to go right back out, we can. I'll just pretend I left my super expensive wine at home and we have more exquisite places to be," my voice edged on the verge of a British one near the end.

He sighed before nodding and meekly smiling, "For as awful as you are, you have your good times."

I wanted to ruffle his hair but I worked too damn hard on that so instead I patted his cheek. "I know I know. Now let's leave this vehicle before all the alcohol has been roofied." I wiggled my eyebrows and Brian and I made our way towards the front door.

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