Chapter Twenty-Six: Nathaniel's BL Webtoon Main character lookin face

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Chapter Twenty-six: Nathaniel's BL Webtoon main character lookin face
Cole's POV

Go ahead and call me dumb. No go ahead, I'll wait.

Done? Awesome. Well, I'm sure you can guess when happened, when I got home, I got kicked out.

Of course there was more between the getting home and the getting kicked out part, but I didn't think it was important.

Not that important anyways, I was already injured as is not like it made much difference.

It was the day after I went to the ER and got diagnosed with bad booboo syndrome.

My eye had started to swell up and, in my opinion, I thought it looked really funny.

"You could try putting concealer and eyeshadow over it?" Brian suggested as I leaned over his bathroom counter to look at my eye. "Nobody would really think much about it since you're... you."

I laughed, "I dunno Brian... I think the bulging out of my skull might be too much to ignore. But we can always give it a shot. Some people like bulges, if you know what I mean." I jokingly nudged his shoulder.

He fake laughed, "Ha ha, you're very funny. Maybe wear sunglasses?"

"In school?" I looked towards him, "You know what I think thats actually a pretty good idea, I can wear a suit too!" I gasped, "Oh and I can follow you around behind you and escort you to all your classes! Brian..." I sighed patting his shoulder, "You're a genius."

Brian rolled his eyes and then looked at my swollen eye and winced, "Was it always this bad?"

I shrugged, "I dunno, It's not like I kept progressive pictures of the swelling. Although O should've because then I couldn't made a really shitty edit and posted it on my Instagram like the bad b-word I am."

Brain glared at me, "No, like your eyebrow is split now and your cheek to your chin is all red. I thought the guy just got you in the eye. Was it like that before?"

I licked the corner of my mouth; staring at Brian. Should I tell him?

I told him pretty much everything, including all the times when we first started being friends that I thought about sneaking to his house and scaring the absolute mother fucking life out of him to assert my dominance in our friendship.

But then again, not knowing one small thing wouldn't hurt him.

I grinned, "Might've shown up when the hot nurse kept coming in my room so I tried to scratch my eyes out to make sure I didn't get a private parts issue." I slapped Brian's shoulder, "You know how that goes, especially since you're always around me."

Brian rolled his eyes, "You're so annoying."

"Yes but you love me. Go get me peas please for my softball eye."

"Why peas? Why not just the ice pack that the doctors gave you."

I glared, "Because that doesn't fit the aesthetic."

"The aesthetic?"

"Peacore aesthetic. Not to be confused with pee core, that's a totally different thing."

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