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Ookay, so the shed is collapsing and it is not my fault.

Okay, maybe it was kinda my fault, but in my defense, if you give me a car and ask me to test it's 'crash defenses' I'm gonna floor that shit into the closest building.

Okay, maybe not the closest building, the closest building would've been the warehouse and god only know how much my ass would've been chewed out for that.

Although this might've been just as bad...

Okay, maybe the shed collapsing was my fault, and maybe when my dad asked me to 'test the crash defense' they meant into like a bush or something. But hey! I still think it's his fault for not being more specific.

My father, the proud business man of an upcoming new firm called 'Clever Car', asked his beloved son if he could test the new software he had imported into a car.

He told me it was at the warehouse, told me to test the crash defenses, and because I qualify as the best son in the world, I said yes... well technically I told him I'd do it only if he paid me, but it works out in the end.

Plus he wasn't paying me, but that's not important.

Well, and you know, maybe it would be working out if the building was not fucking collapsing right now.

Maybe I should call dad... I thought, and because that seemed like the most reasonable thing to do, I decided to do it.

I never called myself stupid, well I am very silly sometimes, but on the off occasion my braincells managed to clink together, I got reasonable ideas.

The phone rang a few times before my dad answered groggily.

"Cole? Good, I was starting to worry something went wrong. Why are you calling so late?"

I cleared my throat, "Well, uhhh, there was a small accident. Absolutely nothing major just-"

"It's not a big deal?"

A loud ass 'thud' sounded in the background as I spun around to see the shed completely caved in, taking with it tons of tools that were inside. Luckily, most of the stuff inside was being transferred into the warehouse, so there was only tools... but I'm definitely getting my ass beat for this.

"Cole? Is it a big deal or not? Is the car okay?"

Not worried about me one bit, huh old man? I see how it is...

I looked at the unscathed car. "You know what? It's no big deal at all. Not one bit. Nothing major. Cars great dad, I'm real proud, stood its ground like a champ."

I heard my dad release a sigh, "That's good, Cole. Go ahead and back the car into the shed, if you can. You're not the best with cars, but just try to get it in so it's out of the rain. It'll only be temporary, but since you don't have the warehouse key the shed will have to work."

I coughed awkwardly. "Uhhhh."

There was a short silence before my dad said, "Cole?"

"Yes dad?"

"Why aren't you hanging up and moving the car into the shed?"


"Jesus Christ Cole, what did you do? Blow up the whole shed?"

"No!" I quickly said, "It just collapsed, it didn't blow up."

He was quiet before I heard him hiss in a breath. "Thirteen minutes, Cole. Thirteen. If your ass isn't home, in thirteen minutes, you're sleeping outside."

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