Chapter Twenty-Eight: Kidnapping Nathaniel and throwing sandwiches

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Chapter Twenty-Eight: Kidnapping Nathaniel and Throwing Sandwiched
Cole's POV

"Cole, have you heard much from your dad?" Mrs. Brian's mom asked. 

Did I know Brian's mom's name? Sure. Was I gonna say that instead of Mrs. Brian's mom? Hell no. It's so much more... main character-esc than just saying her name. 

I hummed. "Uhhhhhhh, well he tried to call me the other day but..." I trailed, lugging the piece of bagged chicken breast up and over my shoulders while letting out a very, dare I say, alpha-like grunt. "I was shitting so I didn't answer. TMI here but it was like the little rat ones where they come in balls and plop and-"



Brian snorted, "The man could be in a life or death situation." 

I rolled my eyes, "If he was in a life or death situation, why did he call his son instead of like the... I dunno... ambulance? I know it's smooth but try to use that pretty brain of yours Brian."

Brian tried to give me the middle finger behind his back.

"Mrs. Brian's mom Brian just flipped me off!" I whined, "And he hit me." I said, despite Brian being a good five feet from me, "And he just tried to slash me with a samurai sword."

"Cole don't be dramatic." Brian said. 

"Brian don't hurt Cole."

I laughed loudly.

"I didn't!" 

"God you two are fucking children." Brian's sister said. 

"A child of the lord? Why yes I am." 

"The lord doesn't like gays." 

"The lord doesn't like people with bad boxy highlights but yet you are here." I sent her a wink, "You should let me dye your hair, I would do a great job- well, I would do a better job than that." 

I know Brian's sister hates me but I secretly think she's envious of me. My ass is fatter than hers and my eyes do happen to be prettier so... 

I think there's a lot of jealousy there. Also recently my legs have been randomly hurting so you know what I think? I think she made a voodoo doll of me and every night she has a wack on my legs because, obviously, anywhere else would be way too obvious. 

"Cole stop standing there, the chicken wont need to defrost if you stand there any longer." 

I rolled my eyes, "Listen, I didn't sign up for this attitude okay. I have two hands and once of them is holding this chicken we'll be eating for dinner... don't test me, I don't mind eating ground chicken." 

"Even if you drop it, it's wrapped in a bag."

"I'll open the bag then. Are you-" I pointed an accusing finger at Brian's mom, "You're doubting me, aren't you. Is it because I have a fat ass?" I dramatically fell to the ground, placing the chicken on my stomach, "What has this world come to."

"You know, people don't like guys whose only personality is their ass." Brian's sister said. 

"People just don't like you." I winked at her again. 

Brian came up infront of me and took the chicken and then extended his hand, "Come on Cole, You're gonna get ants in your hair."

"That's a good thing, maybe they'll start eating my dandruff and we can become pals... Oh! I can name them all... the first one has got to be Brian because, well it's self explanatory. Then I'll name the other one-"

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