Chapter twenty-Eight: UNO Game Turned Sexual (not clickbate)

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Chapter twenty-eight: UNO Game Turned Sexual (not clickbate)
Nathaniel's POV

I knew Cole was a tease, but I never expected to be such a... sexual teaser.

Okay no, that's a lie I did. But he did it in the funniest ways imaginable.

Ever since we got drunk in my room, we hadn't done much of anything...

We hadn't really had time for it to be honest. My dad needed help with his business, Cole had to actually start working on school to graduate and Brian's parents forced him to yard work with them ever two minutes.

We saw each other at school, sometimes after, sometimes just a night, but we never had a full moment to just be there.

So some time had past...

Specifically around a month and a half and things were finally settling down...

Except for Cole's libido.

"All I'm saying is that Brian has a girlfriend and he needs to go out with her instead of hogging the bed 24/7," he groaned, "I mean, a guy needs some alone time,"

There never was any awkwardness between Cole and I when we had these conversations. He talked about how horny I was and I'd sit back and listen because, honestly, who wasn't? Cole just actually voiced it.

We were in the kitchen, eating Nachos David had made for us and playing a couple rounds of UNO.

What brought up this whole thing was that Cole had moaned and I had told him to tone it down before someone heard and got the wrong idea.

Of course I had been teasing him, but he started to talk about it soon after.

I shuffled through my UNO cards.

"I have a bathroom," I said, placing down my green three ontop of his blue three.

He glared, "Fuck off. And your bathroom smells like baby powder. Why do I wanna jerk off in a place that smells like baby powder?" He placed down a draw four and I smiled a bit at my own draw four. "Blue,"

I placed down mine, "Yellow,"

"Just jerk off in your car,"

He took a bit of his nacho, "Too dirty,"

I laughed as he grumbled, drawing eight. "Than jerk off... under a blanket."

He glared, "Do I look like I'm a quiet masturbater? I be moaning into the air like a blue whale yells into the deep depths of a blue ocean. Besides, I wake Brian up by accidentally tickling his toe with mine. Let alone jerk off at the speed of light and- will you stop making me fucking pull cards?"

I laughed as I looked at my godly set of cards. Here was no way I was losing.

"If you stopped putting up such a damn fight and let me win, there would be no issue," I said with a light smile.

My phone illuminated and I motioned for him to grab it, "Answer it please?"

"It's your Snapchat,"

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