Chapter Eighteen: Falling From Trees For You

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Chapter Eighteen: Falling From Trees For You
Cole's POV

Brian eventually made me give his phone back by threatening to post a picture of me on his Instagram which, first of all, I'd be fine with, and second of all, he has like three photos on his Instagram and I appear in all of them.

I also made him put an inspirational quote in his bio and a few quirky emoji's because, ya know, I enjoy making Brian suffer.

But when Brian got his phone back and chose to spend a solid amount of time on it I had turned back to Mop stick.

"So." I said.

He had finished his brownie ice cream thing.

"So." He repeated back, he was in the chair across from Brian and I.

"How's your book report going along?" I asked, genuinely curious.

He got a small smile on his face, "Finished it."

"No shit?" I asked, "it has been, what, a couple of weeks? I don't even know."

He nodded, "Been a few, yeah, the book report was easy though... well easier than I thought it would be. The book wasn't the worst either."

I snickered, "The book about gay sex?"

Nathaniel winced, "Yes. That book. The one you gave me."

"The one I offered to take back." I contradicted.

He shrugged, "I had already started it, another book Would've taken too long."

"I offered you the box car children. A book even I could read in, like, four days. The last time I read a book I was laying in my grandpa's arms in the fetal position sounding out my As and Bs."

Nathaniel brought a hand to the back of his neck and shrugged, "I dunno, I thought the book was kinda interesting."

My jaw hung open for a second before lifting into a smile, "You liked it?"

"No, I said it was-"

"Well shit Bean Stalk, I didn't know you were into that kind of stuff. I've got more if you need-"

"Shut up." His face turned away and his ears were a nice shade of red.

I cackled, "Never seen you blush before." I teased, "Dont worry about it, Bean stalk." I waved a hand at him, "Secrets safe with me..." I paused, "Well and Brian but he's not listening."

"I hate you." Nathaniel said with a mock glare.

I shrugged, "That's what Brian said a week into knowing me too, and now look." I gave Brian a heavy pat on the shoulder, "He's still here."

"Not by choice." Brian grumbled.

"Hey! Look. He was listening."

Nathaniel rolled his eyes, "I wish I brought my phone."

I cackled.

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