Chapter Five: AbUsIvE... my ass

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I'll never admit it. I'd rather lick somebody's shoe than to admit it.

But I feeling just the tiniest bit bad for Brian.

Right now he was in my room, taking the beatings of me throwing clothes at him.

To say I was angry was an understatement... okay it was a major over statement. I didn't get angry, it didn't match my aesthetic.


I was throwing clothes at Brian because he had given me a book in class to give to Nathaniel, and because my stupid ass never even thought about it, little did I know that I was giving Mr. Street Light a book mainly revolving gay sex.

I didn't even read the cover! I don't even know what the cover looks like until Brian informed which book it was!

Which is why, when I got a confused email from the mystical man himself, I grabbed Brian, threw him on the floor of my bedroom and relentlessly beat him with my entire wardrobe until his laughter turned to 'ow! Stop I'm sorry' and he was heaving under multiple articles of clothes.

"I should skin you alive!" I said, cracking my knuckles.

"I'm terrified." Brian deadpanned, although he didn't know that my sexy ass had been watching WWE since I was a kid.

One again, a bit of a lie because I wasn't allowed to have TV until I was like... eight.

But it's the thought that counts!

I gave my elbow a nice tap and dropped down on his Harry Potter looking ass.

"Ow! You fucking-"

"Whore? Slut? Bitch? Cunt? Because I can tell you one thing Brian, if you finished that sentence I will say something 10x worst and awful and I'll moan every word of it!" To me, the threat wasn't that big a deal, but Brian had this thing where he hated exaggerated moans. Like it made him cringe until he was practically shriveled up like a lemon.

Brian sat up and let out a huff, "I'm sorry okay? Jesus, I thought you'd at least glance at the book or something." He said.

"Brian." I felt my laughter bubbling up.

Because Anger was impossible for me to feel - besides your basic annoyance and also the frustration I feel towards tall people who have absolutely no right to be tall - I always just laughed instead.

Like my brain was malfunctioning and instead of the coreberal part of my brain lighting up, the Patalemus lit up instead.

I just made those words up.

The only part of the brain I know, is the brain.

"Yes?" He asked.

"I don't even look at the clothes I put on in the morning. Why the fuck do you think I'd take time out of my day to fucking look-" I threw iPhone charger at him and almost felt sorry when it hit his stomach like a whip. "-at a fucking-" this time it was a shoe, "-book!" And the last thing that had landed on him was my brush and boy did that sound like it hurt.

"Just explain to him what happened!" He exclaimed, rubbing his arm which now was a disgusting shade of red. "And stop abusing me!"

I'd never actually hurt Brian more than a red mark, because I'm obviously the most peaceful friend in the world.

I licked my finger tips dramatically and wiggled them at him, "I'll show you abuse when I shoved my fingers so far up your ass you-"

The ring of my phone cut me off and I looked at Brian with a glare.

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