Chaptet Nine : the party 3/3

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Chapter Nine: the party 3/3
Cole's POV

I grumbled as I crossed my arms. "You're just jealous. God would love to meet my sexy ass." I said defensively and Nathaniel pulled something out of his pocket.

Not gonna lie, I fully expected it to be a cigarette or something cliche, but instead he pulled out two red suckers and offered me one.

I laughed, "Ya know, I've met a lot of people. Most of them tell me to shut the fucku p, but nobody's ever given me a sucker before." I snatched it from his hand.

He shrugged again, "I was only gonna get one for me but I felt another one. And unlike you..." he trailed and his lips seemed to tilt up as something crossed his mind.

"Unlike me you're not extravagantly sexy? Yeah, don't worry everybody feels that way." I grumbled, leaning against the wall and watched some girl and some guy licked lips and make out across the yard.

I snickered. People and their hormones. I mean come on, I may or may not have made out with some random guy on a bar stool and willingly let him drag me to a bedroom where he could've easily said something like 'wanna play with my UNO cards'. But still, the guy in front of me was practically shoving his hand down the girls pants, and in public too.

Now that's a kink if I've ever heard of one.

Speaking of heterosexuality.

"Oi." I said to Nathaniel, "Why aren't you swarmed by people?" I looked him up and down. I dully noted his clothing because, even if I was financially privileged, there's no way in hell that I would be able to decipher those brands.

But my eyes lingered on the shiny bracelets around his veiny wrists - dully noted that too because drooling over daddy hands didn't seem like the best idea in front of Nathaniel- He also had a watch on his wrist which I had seen before.

Ugh rich people.

Always had time to make me jealous without even trying.

"Why aren't you?" He retorted back.

I grinned at him, "I'm taking that as a compliment."

Not gonna lie, having a conversation with the rich boy was low key satisfying as fuck. Like I felt like a dog when they get fed something besides the dog food they've been eating for the past 6 years. I kinda wanted to hold a bag up to his mouth and sell his breath on eBay.

But that brought back a different perspective. Why was I talking to Nathaniel.

I mean the guy was tall and that alone should be enough to make me want to break his probably stainless steal kneecaps and use them as spoons.

I don't associate myself with tall people, because if they think they have the audacity to block my sunlight, then they're wrong. It's hard waking up everyday and being naturally sun kissed, which is precisely why I wanted tall people to get on their knees.

Whether they sucked my cock during that process was entirely optional.

There was a small silence before I quietly started to sing.

Just casual normal Katy Perry.

Call me a Perry-isian if you will.

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