Chapter Forty-Four: Make Out Sessions In a Form Of Bribery

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Chapter Forty-Four: Make Out Sessions In a Form Of Bribery
Cole's POV

"Cole." The teachers voice said, "I need to speak to you." 

"Whatever it is." I said quickly, "Brian peer pressured me into doing it." Brian spun in his seat giving me a glare.

Mr. Corey shook his head, "No, it's about your grades." 

I opened my mouth into an 'O', "Yeah, sure, Brian still did it." 

I found myself hilarious, but Brian didn't see the appeal, instead turning and glaring at me.

"Will you quit it?" 

"Only if you beg." I winked and he groaned, flipping me off and reaching for his book. 

"This is actually important Cole." Mr. Corey said and I sighed. 

"I'm sorry. Look, I actually asked Brian to help me with all of my homework, so all of the failing grades are Brian's fau-"

Brian hit my shoulder with his book, I flinched away. 

Of course it did scare me, and I did flinch because he was... hitting me with a book, most normal people tend to flinch at that. But I also flinched because, upon the most recent shitty events, I've come to find that I really really am starting to hate being hit even in a joking manner. 

I'd never tell Brian that of course, but still, all was well and swell in the land of penis ville. 

Despite my insistence that any shitty grades were at the fault of Brian, I stood up anyways, heading towards Mr. Corey. 

He sat at his desk, the class was noisy, chattering, paying no attention to me - I found to be insulting that no one was admiring my ass, but what all could you do? 

Corey pulled up my grades and I winced at the cheesy ID picture.

"You never turned in your book report, you don't have any of the vocabulary done from the last few months and you are falling behind severely in the lessons," He leaned on his hand, elbow on the table. "This is AP english, Cole." He murmured, "It's a very important grade - english in general is an important grade, especially if you want to walk the stage at graduation."

Let's see, what cards could I pull to save myself from this one? 

Last time I had the grade talk I talked about how my father had a detrimental penis injury which meant I had to be at his beck on call  at all times. 

Of course since Corey knew my dad, that excuse was dismissed pretty quickly, but it was funny watching his eyes widened as I explained the dog who had gotten a little bit too ball happy

I ran a hand through my hair, sighing. 

"Look," I said, "And don't tell anyone I told you this," I leaned close and he followed the motion, I looked around sketchily. "But Brian has actually been-"

"Cole, I'm serious. You need to stop messing around. You're gonna lose your credits and then you'll have to completely retake this class during summer school - which I happen to have duty for and, completely no offense, but I really don't wanna see you during the summer." 

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