Chapter Seventeen: Tension... but not sexual.. well maybe

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I know I know, no consistent upload schedule. But the writers block has been mad insane and my mental state also was in a bad place. I'm doing better now so double upload today 😎

Chapter Seventeen: Tension... But not sexual.. well maybe
Nathaniels POV

There was something specific about having a guy who was crying in your car, I'm not exactly sure what it was, but I had never felt more uncomfortable in my life.

I'd been put through plenty of business meetings where I had to sit and listen as the guests called me a 'kid with no financial talent'. But this was a different kind of uncomfortable. This uncomfortable was the kind where I just tapped my fingers on the wheel and agreed occasionally with the things Cole says.

It wasn't the 'I say something good, you say something good' kind of agreement it was the: 'and you're an amazing person who literally made no mistake at all' to which I, without any knowledge of why there was a crying guy in my car, would nod and mumble a 'yeah' in agreement.

Was I totally trusting Cole on every word he was saying? Yep.

I knew of Brian, but I didn't know him personally, I'd heard Cole talk about him a few times. Brian didn't really seem like there time to have a breakdown in some guys car as I drive us to get ice cream, but then again I wasn't really the type to pick up a random kid and drive him to go get ice cream.

"-Like Nathaniel. Nathaniel what's your favorite ice cream?"

I hummed, glancing from the corner of my eye to Cole who was staring at me and patting Brian's shoulder. I replaced my eyes on the road, "I don't really eat ice cream." I shrugged.

Cole grumbled to himself, "I dOnt ReAlLy EaT IcEcReAm." He mocked.

I smiled at the road and then glanced back at him again. "It's not that it's too unhealthy or anything, but my teeth are sensitive to the cold." I defended.

Cole sighed, "Okay but if ice cream was warm, what's your favorite?"

"Mint chocolate chip-"

"Oh my god."

Brian let out  harsh burst of laughter.

"Out of every single fucking flavor," Cole grumbled, his eyes made direct eye contact with mine, "Out of every flavor you chose the thin mint rip off kind?"

I rolled my eyes, "what would you have liked me to say? Tooty-fruity?"

"I would like you to shut up and be normal." His tone was joking, but I felt even if it wasn't, it was almost impossible to feel angry at Cole.

He just had that thing about him, that chaotic energy which practically screamed 'best friend vibes'.

I put my eyes back on the road and heard Brian sighed, "You two have no idea what attentive driving is," he grumbled.

Cole grinned, "It's because, with you always in my car, it's hard to look away."

Cole's POV

I was annoyed. Why? Because I've seen my fair share of attractive people, I really have,  I've seen plenty of them. But Nathaniel reversing had no right to be as attractive as it was.

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