Chapter Twenty-nine: One Call, Multiple Mental Breakdowns

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Chapter Twenty-nine: One Call, Multiple Mental Breakdowns
Cole's POV

"Cole, your dad is calling." Brian said tossing me my phone. 

I sent a look at Nathaniel, "If he's calling because he broke his damn hip or something I'm gonna be so angry. Like bro what am I supposed to do? Carry the guy all the way to the hospital like I'm He man? I can barely lift Brian's arm off of me when he pulls me in for his crushing night cuddles."

"I don't cuddle you." 

"That's not what my poor, oxygen deprived lungs say when you squish the fuck outta me." I pointed an accusing finger at him. "Anyway, I'm gonna answer him before the old man has a heart attack, he is susceptible because he's got so much anger the thing stutters like a discord kitten." 

Finally done with entertaining the morons because, even though I would've preferred not sitting on the floor, I had invited Nathaniel over to play Detroit; Become Human. 

Because I'm nice like that, and in return the guy brought me a sucker. 

"Hello, Texas whore house, you got the hoe we get the dough. This is... Isaac speaking." 

"Funny Cole, funny. Why didn't you answer my calls?" 

I hummed, standing up, "Brian, you teach Elephant Trunk some more of the game, imma go talk to the man who made it all. Aka me." I left Brian and Nathaniel and went into the bathroom to talk, but also just to stare at my pores. 

I hate acne. Normally I had baby smooth skin because, I wont lie and say I don't have a shit ton of skin products, but they were all at my house. Which means shitty ass skin. 

"I was occupied. I've always had trouble eating tortillas." I shook my head, "Sooooo, I know you love me and all, but why'd you call?"

"Because, and I really wished you would've answered your damn phone before so I could've at least had time to prepare both of us." 

"Uh-oh, that sounds scary. Please tell me you bought a pet goat." 

"Why would I- No, Cole don't be fucking ridiculous. Are you at Brian's?"

"Yeah where else would I be? I'm buddied with the homeless guy near the laundromat but I think he wouldn't hesitate to kill me if I asked to be his homeless buddy."

"Cole, can you stop joking for like one minute? Fuck, how did I handle you without- never mind. Cole, I gotta tell you something and you can't freak out okay?"

"Sure, that doesn't sound horrifying whatsoever." 

"Cole. Your mom stopped by the other day, asking to talk to you." 

I think in everybody's life they get a phone call that makes their heart beat spike a little bit, or maybe one that makes it drop. Whether it be from your sneaky link telling you they're pregnant or it's the FBI informing you that you're part of a murder investigation. 

Truly anything can scare you. 

But this, this was something I didn't want to deal with. No it was more than that, it was truly something I just couldn't deal with. 

With this brought terror and memories and so much shit that made me dizzy and nauseous and I knew I had to sit down before I had a make out session with the floor. 


I hung up. What else was I supposed to do? I could handle a lot, at least I liked to think so, but not this. Anything but this. Anything. I'd take books thrown at me, people yelling at me, thousands and thousands of Brian's leaving me over and over again, but I just couldn't handle this. 

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