Chapter Sixteen: There's Mental Illness, Then Theres Cole

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Chapter Sixteen: There's Mental Illness, Then There's Cole
Cole's POV

"It's alright Brian." I comforted, "Let it all out." I ran my hand gently up the smooth of Brian's back and listen as he sobbed in the pillow.

"It's fucking stupid, Cole!" He said, clenching his fist in the pillow.

"It is. You're right and you have a right to be upset."

Brian slowly sat up, stilly crying hard, eyelashes covered in tears and eyes glossy. He hiccuped hard, unable to catch his breath, doing that little jerky inhale thing you do whenever you cry really hard and are trying your best to calm down.

I grabbed his neck and guided his head into my shoulder, gently running my fingers through the ends of his hair, his breathing was harsh and painful.

"W-why do they do that?" He asked, his words breaking off into a mesh of sadness.

"Because they're white, and I can say that because I'm white." I joked slightly and Brian let out a slightly muffled laugh.

Brian was weird. He seemed annoyed a lot of the time, he seemed kinda put off, sometimes a little bit indifferent, but holy shit the man was more emotional than anybody else I've ever been around. If something upset him, it really upset him. You may ask yourself, why is he crying?

Well apparently Brian had left sometimes before I got back into town because he was hungry and, let's be honest, if you have a car and it's night, you're gonna go get Taco Bell if it's open.

Anyways, he went inside the lovely killer fast food joint and, when he came out, someone had bumped his car. It had a little dent and it wasn't too bad, but Brian was in love with his car. Probably liked his car more than he liked me.

And because of his strange fetish he was already originally upset to begin with, rightfully so.

He drove home, told his parents, got a lecture, called me, had an anxiety attack and then was sobbing on his bed when I arrived.

Naturally I took on papa (not daddy) mode and was instantly trying to comfort him.

Even though he didn't say it, I could tell he was probably more upset about his parents reacting as they did then his car being dented. He didn't like people getting angry at him.

His head was still in the crook of my neck by the time he started calming down.

"Did you get snot on my sweater?" I asked, "Because if you did I think it's only fair if I return the favor, my allergies have started acting up."

Brian laughed again as he slowly started to pull away, "Just some tears, no snot. Unless the snot mixed in with the tears." He tilted his head at the teal fabric on my shoulder and shrugged, "I can't tell,"

I winced, "That's disgusting, I'm stealing a sweatshirt later, and don't even think looking at my nipples when I change. I know they're pretty and pink but that doesn't mean you gotta stare at them like you always do." I teased, murmuring and Brian laughed again.

Wiping at his eyes with his palms. "You're so weird." He said.

I flopped down on his bed, "maybe you're the boring one?" I offered.

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