Chapter Four: Surprise Motherfucker

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Chapter Four: Surprise Motherfucker
Cole's POV

"Hmmm." I hummed.



"Hmmm what?"


"Oh my go-"

I cut him off, "hmmmmmmmmmmmm."

There was a hard wack on the side of my head and I winced.

"My heads gonna get flat if you keep doing that." I grumbled and Brian looked as if he was about to hit me again.

"Then stop being a fucking idiot and tell me what you're 'humming' about."

It was the day after, Tuesday to be exact, and I kept thinking about McDonalds yesterday.

One, because the creampie burger literally made me so sick that I thought I'd have to have my dad nuke the bathroom.

And two because, after Nathaniel walked in, he ordered a water, glanced around and then left, just like that. He didn't get any food, he didn't sit at a table and wait for anybody, he just got a water, got back in his Lambo and drove off.

Normally that wouldn't be a big deal, but the question that was bothering me was why. I mean the gas stations here have drive-thrus and water is cheaper there, so why go into McDonalds? Maybe he was looking for a secret lover or something.

Even though I was curious, I wasn't about to voice my thoughts to Brain, I was just humming to be a pain in the ass.

Right now he was at my house because I had very responsibly skipped. He had his body hunched over a PlayStation controller and seemed more concentrated on playing Detroit: Become Human than my distress.

Except, of course, when I started to annoy him.

"Nothing." I said, "I'm just bored. You come over to my house and do nothing but eat my food and play on my PlayStation."

"You sound entitled." Brian grumbled and I rolled on the bed until I gracefully flopped on the bed.

"Maybe if my best friend had more interest in speaking to me I would be less entitled."

Brian rolled his eyes which were still attached to the TV, "Aw you poor thing, you must be starving without your daily dose of attention."

"I'll have you know, Mr. Fridge Raider, that I already got attention today."

"Oh really? From who?" Brian asked, glancing over.

"My dad brought this girl over for lunch and I spent a solid twenty minutes talking to her about the way she drew the letter 'X'."

Brian furrowed his eyebrows, pressing pause and I felt my lips tug into a grin now that I got his attention. "There's more than one way to draw an X?"

"Oh god, Brian. There's, like, eight." I said and Brian leaned back.


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