Chapter forty-five: Vanilla Or Good Boy Kink?

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Chapter Forty-five: Vanilla Or Good Boy Kink?
Cole's POV

"How's it going?" Nathaniel asked, leaning over my shoulder.

I flipped the page and glanced up to find his eyes already down on me, I gave him a grin.

"Really?" He asked, a bit timidly but mostly playfully.

"What? I'm working on my anatomy for art class," I defended.

He laughed, "Do you even have art?"


"Cole, I'm not sure how happy your calc teacher will be with the large penis drawn over the word problems."

"It's detailed though,"

"I think that makes it a bigger problem."

"Are you saying my penis looks bad?" I feigned hurt, putting my hand on my chest and hiccuping slightly.

He rolled his eyes, both hands grabbing my shoulders as he gently pressed into them in a massage motion. "I'm saying there's a large, almost to scale, penis on the backside of your calc homework."

I groaned, tilting my head back, "Shut up, I like it," I murmured, reaching my hand towards tthe paper and Nathaniel's hand went to mine, tracing the healed, slightly faded tattoo.

To one honest I forgot I got that. The memory of what else happened that night was a fun one. Punching some assaulted, ending up in the hospital with Brian, posting a picture on my story about my knee.

Memories like that always made me smile just a bit fondly.

But they weren't all happy go lucky, I still struggled. I had hoped the closure would calm me, make me feel a little better but it didn't do much. I still was paranoid, I still avoided calls from my dad in fear that he'd try to reason his way into me seeing my mom again and I still refused to go to my house again.

Although at this point my house was becoming more Nathaniel and Brian's than my actual house.

But then again, was my house ever my home? That's corny, too much time around Nathaniel and I was turning into the state of Nebraska.

"I still don't know why you got this," he said, running his fingers over the crooked lined crown on my middle finger.

"Because I felt like it," I hummed. "I like it."

He nodded, "I never said I didn't. If you like it than I like it," he looked down at me, and I dramatically puckered my lips for a kiss. A kiss I didn't receive.

"Do your homework," he tapped the paper, "And erase that."

I groaned, "We did this last week too," I said with a whine, "This whole 'I'll give you a kiss if you do your homework' and I ended up getting a kiss and not doing my homework."

"I don't understand what you're trying to argue."

I laughed, "I'm saying, you should give me a kiss anyways because even if I say I'll do it. I won't and you'll be cringe as hell and kiss me anyway. Either ways, it's a win for both of us."

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