Chapter Thirty-Three: The Ride Back and First Kisses

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Chapter Thirty-Three: The Ride Back and First Kisses
Cole's POV

"I swear on my dad that you said you were straight at some point."

Nathaniel shrugged, "Well," He said, "You've never told a lie before?"

"That's such a lame lie though. I prefer lies like 'no I didn't put ketchup in your crocs and laugh when it squished out'. But I guess it's all about preference."

"Also," He laughed a bit to himself, "At the party... that didn't give anything away?"

I thought back to it, "No? Unless you count taking my sucker, which, by the way, every night I lay awake thinking about that cherry sucker and wondering how good it would've tasted if I got to finish it."

"It probably would've tasted like a sucker."

"You're mom's a sucker... ohhhh roasted. Don't talk to me Nathaniel, I don't talk to people with bad roasts."

Nathaniel yawned, "I guess I won't talk to you then." He said, a lazy, sleepy smile on his face as he looked away from me.

"I- wow. You know, I've heard about homophobia before, but this is too far."

Nathaniel laughed, "How was I-"

"Hush, I don't listen to bigots."

"Stay here." He said, "I'll be right back, I've got to use the restroom."

I nodded my head, busying myself with the concrete as he walked inside the gas station.

I always hated how rough concrete was, but it was a necessity, unless you wanted to eat shit on a snowy day due to the lack of friction.

But then again, maybe that would've been a fun little game.

Who could last longest on the concrete of death on a Wednesday afternoon in January.

It didn't take long at all for Nathaniel to get back.

He sighed as he sat down, "Back to bigots. The closest person to religious in my house is our dog. Get it? Because backwards, it's god?"

"It was a good attempt at a joke." I murmured, "But it was horrible, you don't even own a dog." We both laughed and finally he pulled out his phone.

"No, but I guess I never told you because, well, I wasn't really sure back then, and I also didn't know you all too well."

"I know everybody." I said, leaning my head back against the building.

It had been a few hours and we were still here, still staring at the field in front of us, watching the sun raise higher and higher.

Occasionally a person would walk past us to get into the gas station, but the most they did is glance at us. We'd make a joke about it, something like 'you think they think we're doing drugs?'

But we both knew we'd have to leave soon, both of our phones were getting low, and while my phone wasn't even alive as is, Nathaniel did still have business to do with his dad.

He hadn't dropped my hand, and I wasn't complaining. His grasp was comforting, a drastic difference from the kneading on the back of my neck.

I almost felt like comparing hand sizes to see who truly had the bigger dick since, without actually pulling it out, our hands were the best way to compare, but I didn't.

"You do." Nathaniel agreed, "I was kinda surprised when I first talked to you."

I glared at him, "Why? I'm insulted."

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