Chapter Forty-One: White Boy Tacos and Tension

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Chapter Forty-One: White Boy Tacos and Tension
Cole's POV

"Eat it." Nathaniel said with a glare that I easily returned. 

"Or what? You gonna shove it down my throat?" I teased and he rolled his eyes as he leaned back. "Be careful Nathaniel, I might enjoy that-"

"Cole, eat the damn taco." 

I let out an overdramatic groan, sinking like a toddler to the floor, "But, Asparagus-" I whined, "That is the whitest made taco I've ever seen- hey, stop giving me that look okay, I'm sorry but it doesn't- I don't think David is the best, uh, traditional Mexican food king."

"I made it myself." 

Instantly I did a 180, standing up and opening my mouth wide, letting him place the taco in my mouth. I moaned, "Mmmm, really-" I stopped when a piece of tortilla almost fell out of my mouth and Nathaniel's hand hovered just underneath my chin. I swallowed the food, giving him a guilty grin, "It was really good Nathaniel. Really, very authentic." 

His eyes were amused, alit and his lips were pressed together fighting a smile. "Good...?" He trailed and I gave him a weak smile. 

It was a little bit salty, and... bland but he didn't need to know that. "Sure!" 

His head tilted back a bit as he laughed, placing the taco back down on the plate and placing it on his desk. "Mmhm?" 

"Nathaniel, have I told you how much I cherish and appreciate you?" 

"You don't like it?" 

"No! It's amazing! Best taco I've ever had, it's just, uh-" I cleared my throat, smiling at him, "I'm in more of a tamale mood." 

Nathaniel laughed again as his head bent down and he placed a quick kiss on my cheek, "You don't like it." It wasn't a question. 

"I'm sorry. But you know who I think would really like it? Mother nature. That's exactly why I believe we should burn it and bury it into the ground." I smiled sweetly as him and he rolled his eyes as he laughed. 

"You're so dramatic." 

"Try it then." 

He stared at the taco, glanced back at me and then shook his head, "I'm good." 

I laughed, "Flawlessly executed my point perfectly Nathaniel, thank you." 


"How are you?" Brian asked randomly, in the middle of dinner. 

Instantly I stopped. 

It was a sensitive topic, and they'd really been avoiding it, I knew they had. I didn't want them to, but every time I tried to talk about it - not counting the time right after with Nathaniel - it felt like I was just so... 


I smiled, "Railing ass and moaning names." I paused, "I think it's kicking ass and taking names, but eh." 

He snorted and a silence filtered between us. 

I felt that familiar frustration building itself up into my stomach. It felt horrible, it made me want to slam any object I had onto the ground as hard as I could. And if the anger was too much - I did. 

"You sure?" He asked, leaning back against the counter. 

I felt like bashing my head against the wall, like crying until I couldn't stop. Not because I was sad, I mean sure I was. But I'd lived awhile of sadness and at the end of the day - A little more only changes a lot if it hits harder than ever before. But I felt like crying because... 

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