Chapter 23-Living in the past

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Our ancestors always have their influences in our present. We are linked to their stories, actions, and sometimes thoughts. But no matter how much influence they have on us, they can't define our life. You can't see what's in front of you if you are looking back. You can't start the next chapter of your life if you keep reliving in the last one.
I went to the apartment with all the intention to talk to Elsa but she wasn't there. Megan saw me and follows me inside the apartment.
-Where's is Andrew? - Megan asked
-I don't know and I don't care- I said
-What happened?- Megan asked
-Nothing okay?- I almost screamed at her
-Okay kitten, don't kill me- Megan said
-I feel like something is missing- I said
-Like what?- I asked
-What it is that my sisters have that I don't? - I asked
-Kindness- Megan said
-Hey I know what is missing...- I said
-What?- Megan asked
-A little support- I said
-I ain't giving that to you- Megan laughed - I know what is missing here, little Andy- Megan said
-I need some time on my own, he's not always around- I said
-Really because most of the time he is and if he's not then you think about him- Megan said
-I do not- I said
-Where is he now?- Megan asked
-With Danielle, my new sister- I said with a sort of tone I didn't expected
-That's it you're jealous- Megan said
-No because I slept with him once does it mean I'm in love with me or something- I said
-Just once- Megan said
-Maybe more than once but that's it, he can do whatever he wants with his life- I said
-Whatever you say kitten, I have to meet Ethan, but see you later- Megan said walking toward the door
She suddenly stopped and gasped.
-If you're not jealous you won't mind seeing this right?- Megan asked looking down the balcony
I walked where she was just for curiosity....
There was Danielle all over Andrew with her big mouth, her fake hair and her skeleton figure. His hands were on her hips. My hole body was on fire, I could feel the anger coming out from every pore of my body.
-They just met, she's a bitch- I said
-Looks who's talking Bitch #1- Megan said
-Not now- I said without taking my eyes away from the skeleton girl and the horny guy
-I don't know what you get so upset clearly you don't like the guy, that's what you told me right?- Megan was pushing it
-I'm not mad I'm furious, who she thinks she is, she thinks she can just come here and steal what's mine- I said without thinking
-He is not yours, at least that's what you told me- Megan said
-Would you stop believing everything I say?.... You know what I don't care he can do what he wants, besides Mary is waiting for me- I said
-Then I'm leaving but don't forget they are other boys out there- Megan started walking toward the exit but stopped and looked back at me - And remember ghost still out there too, you might be careful with that, some of them may be looking for revenge- Megan said
-Don't worry about me kitten see ya- I said
Megan disappeared on her car, I supposed Ethan was inside as well. I just walked down the stairs after closing the apartment door toward my car. I didn't have any intention to look at the new dull couple. Just straight to my car and calm yourself, I thought.
-Angel, high I was hoping we can have some lunch tomorrow.... The three of us... I want to know my sister better- Danielle said
-Why does he has to be there?- I asked
-After that I'm planing go to see a movie with him..., so- Danielle said
-Tell him to pick you up after lunch- I said
-She's right, I don't want to get in the middle of you two- Andrew said looking at Danielle
-Really? It doesn't seem like it- I said
-Will you pick me up then?- Danielle asked Andrew with her slut face
-Okay I'll pick you up then- Andrew answered her with a cocky smile
-I can't anyways I have stuff to do maybe another day- I said ( Don't worry it will be before your death I promise) I was about to say but I prefer to leave things like that
-That's a pity- Danielle said looking at me - In the bright side we will spend more time together- Danielle continued
I rolled my eyes to her cheesy and stupid comment, and walked away to my car
-Hey, where are you going?- A voice stopped me from keep walking, a voice that came from Andrew
-Why do you care?- I asked
-I need to know everything, that is what your father said- Andrew said
-Well I don't always follow Daniel's orders, I'm not exactly a role model daughter- I said
Andrew took Danielle's arms away from his neck gently and walked closer to me
-We are a team remember, we need to work together- Andrew said
-It seems like you found a new partner- I said
-I thought you didn't want anything to do with me- Andrew said
-No don't justify what are you doing with Danielle with what we had, maybe we weren't exclusive but you shouldn't be sleeping with my sister, that's low- I said
-We were just kissing- Andrew said
-Whatever, I have to go, I have a date- I said
She woke up to the light of the sun through her window. She looked at a piece of glass to look at herself and fix her hair. Her brown hair fell on her shoulders, she brushed her hair with her fingers still looking at the glass. She felt pretty, desire, fearless.... Until she opened the door and saw her sister Charlotte, she wasn't beautiful, she was perfect, not a single flaw. Her sister's black hair was even longer than hers. Charlotte's eyes were hazel and every time you look at them they enchant you, charm you. They were both in a the same group friend, just because they were only four teenagers, not because she fits in everywhere. Grayson, a really good friend, the one she actually could trust, she fell in love with him but he didn't feel the same way, he only saw her as a friend, after a long time she fell in love again with David, and David fell back. That's why she was happy, David was so gorgeous, his had this cocky smile, that made every girl crazy, every word he said was full of sarcasm but somehow what he said was just perfect. Grayson realized how he felt about her when it was too late, the girl's heart was beating for someone. But she couldn't be more wrong about David, he always wanted more, he wanted to know what will happen if you mix witch blood with vampire blood and werewolf blood together, the power could be indestructible. There was a lake close our houses, the four of us always went there. Charlotte always talked first captivating all the eyes, just for her leaving her sister all by herself in the back of the crowd, and David always looked behind him to find the girl, silence, David stopped walking to wait for her, he smiled and put her arms around her neck, and she rested her head on his shoulder. Those little details made her dreams come true, he was the reason why she felt beautiful, desire and fearless, she trusted him.... And failed.
In that lake David was looking at the crystalline water and thought about mixing the different types of blood. Charlotte didn't want to cut herself, so her sister did it for him, just because she loved him. The three types of blood combined in the crystalline water, but the test should have been test in a person not in the water, which went terrible wrong. After finding out nothing happened to the water the girl thought that David would live that along. They kept going to the lake. One day the girl went by herself, the day was hot and she wanted to refresh herself. In the moment her hand touched the water she had like a dream, more like a nightmare. A baby on her arms, just after birth, but that baby wasn't moving or breathing, nothing could bring the baby to life, she remembered crying and screaming but the people around her didn't do anything, just stood there and stared at her while she was begging for someone to help her baby. She took her hand out of the water and the nightmare disappeared, but she kept screaming. Because days ago she found out she was pregnant, and her biggest fear was to loose that baby.
She felt like she couldn't kept it as a secret no more so she went to tell David. After running through the woods she could see him far away, but she knew it was him, she could recognized him everywhere, what actually hurt was he wasn't alone, he was with her sister making love like they were meant for each other and she left without making a sound, so no one would realize how miserable she felt.
She ran back to the lake, this time without touching the water, and cried. She was scared, she wasn't feeling miserable because she lost the man she loved, but because she didn't know what to do with the baby, her mother would be disappointed if she finds out she was having a baby without a father. And she didn't know what her mother would be capable of do to her baby.
-I think the story is true but there is something that is wrong- I said
-What is that?- Mary asked
-The boy's name, David, his real name is Daniel and the girl was you am I right?- I asked
-You are, how did you found out?- Mary asked
-Well I like to read people, I like to observe them to see if they are telling the truth, that's why I never believed in Daniel, the way you talked about the boy told me everything I needed to know- I said

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