Chapter 15- Sister, Twister

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When you are tell the truth make sure to tell the whole truth, don't keep anything out on purpose because it's not the truth then. If you want to be accepted or you want people to trust you then tell the all about you. At least I hate lies.
-Can I come in? - Chester asked

-No before you have to explain why you left- I asked

- I don't remember, the last thing I remember is been with you outside of the bar and everything else is blank- Chester said

- Are you serious? How is that possible? - I asked

- I swear I don't remember a thing- Chester said

- Get inside- I said taking him by the arm
He sat in the couch looking confused. Elsa left to buy food in the store while I talked with Chester. I thought it had to be paranormal what was happening to him. I called Mary so she could more or less what was happening. She didn't answer the phone but the knock at the door after the phone call made think it was her... it wasn't. I opened the door to find little Andy.
-What do you want?- I asked

- Mary need us, it's about your father- Andrew said

- Well I'm in the middle of something- I said

- Mary is more important than .... Him- Andrew said

-What's your problem? - I asked

- You are-Andrew said
Elsa and Ryan walked in with food from the store. She froze when she saw her protected brother. He looked at Ryan, then Elsa, then me.
-Why are you guys doing together? - Andrew asked

-My friend went with Elsa to the store to get some food- I said

-No, he is my boyfriend, I'm 16 and I have the right- Elsa claimed

-I have to take care of you and...-Andrew said

-Let me talk with your brother outside, again- I said taking Andrew to the balcony.

When we were outside I told him he needed Elsa be, do things by herself, stumble and fall so she can stand up by herself one day because he won't be around all the time. He wasn't happy with the idea but he did understand my point. We went back in and Chester was waiting for me. Elsa and Ryan were waiting for Andrew's answer.
- Can we go now to see Mary? - Chester asked

- Wait, she is coming with me to see Mary, you're not invited- Andrew said

-Well will you let me date or no? - Elsa asked

-Fine, but I don't want kissing in front of me - Andrew said

-Fine, close your eyes then- Elsa told her brother

-You see this is the kind of things she learns with you, she never answered me that way- Andrew said

-There is always a first time for everything- I said-

Angel now please? - Chester said

-Let's go- I said

- Why? - Andrew asked

- Because we needed to talk with Mary- I said

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